San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz wears “nasty” shirt during TV interview & we love it so much!

San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz made one of the best EFF YOU moves ever. During an interview with Univision on Wednesday morning, she was seen wearing a black T-shirt with the word "nasty," what Trump used to describe the Puerto Rican mayor when accusing her of "poor leadership." She looked like a total boss babe and what she said was even better!

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Cruz admitted that the shirt was meant to reference Trump's remarks. "Well, one of the expressions that the President used in regards to me was that I was a 'nasty mayor,' right? When you're bothered by someone asking for water to drink, medicine for the sick, and food for the hungry, one has far deeper problems than those which could be explained in an interview," she said during her interview with Ramos. "What is truly nasty is that anyone would turn their back on the Puerto Rican people."

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Trump attacked Cruz this past weekend on Twitter, accusing her hurricane relief efforts, claiming that she showed "poor leadership," and even called her "nasty."

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He even went as far as accusing the people of Puerto Rico to "want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort." It was disgusting, cruel and insensitive, to say the least. 

Trump's attacks on both Cruz and the island of Puerto Rico didn't go down well with a number of celebs who were quick to put him in his place on Twitter. 

This also isn't the first time Cruz has worn a T-shirt to make an important statement. Just last week Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke claimed that Puerto Rico's unfolding humanitarian disaster is a "good news story." Unreal right?

Shortly after Cruz made sure to appear rocking a T-shirt that said: "Help Us We're Dying." She refuses to remain silent even when people with more power try to silence or demean her and I can't help but respect that.