Well, the most dreaded time of the year for so many of us is here: swimsuit season. At MamásLatinas we're all about body positivity and embracing the beauty of your body in the now, but we're also human and understand that we've all got insecurities. I mean, the thoughts that go through a mother's mind during bathing suit season are so meme-worthy that we've collected our favorites to share with you. Click through for some laughs.
More from MamásLatinas: Shopping for a bathing suit sucks, but it doesn't have to!
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The struggle is real.

You can deal with boogers, poop, vomit, even childbirth with no pain meds, but the thought of putting on a bathing suit gives you a patatús.
Tacos win every time.

The day that looking good in a bathing suit tastes as great as tacos do, then we can talk. Until then, Imma be over here eating a taco.
Shopping for bathing suits should come with trigger warnings.

Even if you're feeling pretty good about yourself, the act of trying on different bathing suits is torture.
Ageism is real.

At what age do people stop complimenting you on all your adorable rolls? I mean cute is cute at any age.
Why do bathing suits bring out the hairyness?

I mean you end up having hair in places you didn't even know could grow hair, amirite?
Attention all employers!

Why? Why would anyone want to hang out in a bathing suit with everyone from work? Unless you're the boss of life guards or a Baywatch cast member, bathings suits and work events should never be be a thing.
Sometimes the whole ordeal is just too much.

So, you end up talking yourself out of even buying a bathing suit.
Have you noticed how ridiculously small some suits are?

Like a mother can chase after her kid in a bikini that would make an insect blush.
Kids are sad when summer comes to an end, but you're not.

Is it too early to start wearing turtle necks at the beginning of August? Cotton ones, not wool.
Sometimes it comes down to a question of need.

No one really needs a bathing suit, but an ice cream sandwich will melt if you don't eat it and that would just be wasteful.
This is the only surefire way to get a bikini body.

In a perfect world where women weren't made to feel like they are judged in any way by the shape of their body, we would all confidently rock bathing suits in the summer. We don't live in a perfect world, but we all deserve to have fun in the sun. Love your body in the now. Wear the bikini. I know it's easier said than done, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.