10 Things you NEED to do to prepare for Donald Trump’s presidency

Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you celebrating? Are you scared? It doesn't matter. A Donald Trump presidency brings so many unknowns that we need to be ready for anything and help our children understand what's going on. Here are somethings you can do starting today.

More from Mamás Latinas: This is what the Trump White House could look like

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Educate your kids to avoid fights about politics.


It's a lost cause. The kids will be best served if they see you winning or losing with grace. Children talking about politics is just a reflection of the opinions of the parents.

Be kind to yourself and put your family first.


If your family is worried, make an action plan together. If you are celebrating, listen to their expectations. In times like this is very important to be able to voice our fears and hopes. 

If you have a reason to be anxious, turn that energy into action. Research your options. Don't get paralized.

Learn about the immigration status of your friends, your kids' friends and even family members.


I'm sure that regardless of your political affiliation, you feel for the kids near you that may have their lives upended. Lend them your support and help them to the best of your ability. You can help them research legal organizations that help undocumented people. You can also give them comfort and, in the case of families, lend your support to parents and kids.

Reach out to your LGBT friends or family members.


Regardless of your opinion on civil matters regarding the LGBT community, many people are worried and filled with fear. It will help them to know you have their back. If you are part of the community, reach out to friends and organizations.

Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer.


If you are dissapointed with the electoral result in your state, volunteer at your party's chapter. If you rather help everyday people, reach out to the organizations working with the cause closest to your heart.

I want to help the thousands of Latino families that live with the fear of being deported and the DREAMers. There are many groups that provide legal aid pro-bono. That's a good place to start.

Subscribe to a newspaper.


Don't isolate yourself getting your news from your Facebook wall or your favorite cable news network. If you do, you will never know how the other half thinks. Therefore, you won't challenge your ideas, change them or make them better.

Be kind to your opponents.


Remember, they are as convinced as you are that they are right. So, fighting is not going to help anything. It won't make you feel better. If your candidate won, be a gracious winner. If your candidate lost, don't be a sore loser.

Inform yourself about what to expect.


Trump won't be the first candidate to fullfil all his campaign promises. Pay attention to who he hires and what dissapears from his political platform.

Don't give up on your dreams and values.


In two years, we will have the chance to change half of the Congress. It's the beauty of the American Democracy. Mourn or celebrate and get involved in politics. As we were reminded on this election: Every vote counts.

Watch him like a hawk.


The Donald Trump presidency will also have a Republican Congress and the chance to pick the 9th justice of the Supreme Court. That means more power than Obama ever had.

If you opposed him, and more importantly if you voted for him, you need to make him accountable.