It's no secret that our upbringing is a key factor in shaping the adults we become. I asked five moms to share how their own childhoods helped define how they spend and save today.
Of course, I started with my own mother, who had five daughters including me. We always joke that she had us in two batches, returning to the workforce in between. "I was raised by my grandparents while my dad was in active duty," says my mom. "I learned to work hard to have a united family. That's why your dad and I decided that I would stay home with you girls. We saved as much as we could during the seven fat years [when I worked] to be ok [during] the seven lean years (época de vacas gordas y época de vacas flacas.) I'd say we did a good job, right?" Yes, you did mom!
Next, I spoke to Carla, a blogger and mom of two boys and a girl, all under six years old. "My childhood definitely shaped my financial identity as a mom," she says. "My parents were very young when they had me, and there was definitely a lack of financial planning in our household. Sometimes money was directed to satisfy needs that were not as important as others. I think this is the main reason why I am planner. I prefer to establish financial goals based on my family needs, plans, and preferences. Working with a financial advisor has been very helpful for me."
Gilda, another blogger and mom of two girls, cherishes childhood memories of her parents planting the "savings seed" with their family. "They made sure that we always saved money to have a little 'extra' for the future or in case of an emergency," she says. "Now, as a mom, one of my priorities is to have a little cushion of savings to be prepared for any eventuality or surprise."
Becky, who's currently expecting her first son, says that she was raised in a financially conscious home and that she loved to talk to her aunt about how stocks would go up or down during the week. "My aunt took it upon herself to teach me about how the stock market worked," says Becky. "She opened my first pretend 'investment account' so I could understand things like risks and rewards. Her teachings have been instrumental [preparing us financially] to bring our little corazoncito to this earth. I can't wait to pass this knowledge down to my son."
In contrast, Damarie, a mom of three teens, says that her parents were not that good at managing money. "I cannot remember a time we ever sat down to talk family budgets or even grocery budgets," she says. "I think that's why I'm the 'recovering' spender in our home. My husband has been the one that has taught me the importance of a budget."
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Yoly Mason, a blogger living in Orlando, Florida, wants to live in a world where Latinas can enjoy an abundant life with a small budget and where being in debt is as out of style as the rotary phone.