10 Tips to survive a bad breakup, inspired by Chiquis Rivera

Chiquis Rivera has had a tough life and you can tell she's been hardened by those experiences. Since her breakup with fiancée Ángel del Villar, the Va por ti star has been pouring her heart out, mixing her tears with words of wisdom for anybody who has broken up and devastated. It's quite inspiring!

Read more ¿Qué más?: SEE: Chiquis' almost-nude dress at the Premios de la Radio 

Image via Chiquis Rivera/Instagram

Don't be afraid to cry


In an interview with Sal y Pimienta, Chiquis opened her heart and made me cry. "I get home from work and I'm alone and it hurts… It's a part of life…. I feel like something inside of me is saying 'You have to be alone' and it's really weird, I don't know, I think it's to grow up."

Labor therapy

Image viaChiquis/Instagram

While in tears, Chiquis explained that her work was her salvation. When you're in such bad shape, being distracted is vital in healing your soul. "I asked my team, 'Let's go to work' she recalls."Because of that I'm loving what I do more than ever."

Embrace the pain


It's an almost buddist thought. Don't resist whatever you are going through.

Redefine solitude

Image viaChiquis/Instagram

What a great quote from the book The Little Prince.

"What is loneliness, the little prince asks.

It's like a reunion with yourself and it should not be a reason to be sad. It's a moment of reflection."

The power of praying

Image viaChiquis/Instagram

Whether you're religious or not, you have to reflect about what's going on before sharing it with the world.

The price of success

Imagen víaChiquis/Instagram

Chiquis has made it clear that the main reason for the breakup was Del Villar's complaints about her work. So she wrote this about it.

"The price of success"

-Going to sleep late, wake up early
-You know a lot of people and have very few friends
-Live for some years like nobody else, so later you can live like nobody can. 
-You will stay single, unless you can find somebody who understands your dream.


Image viaChiquis/Instagram

Is there a more important quality in a friend, or any loved one?

Own your life

Image viaChiquis/Instagram

So many people give attention and other things just to be able to control you. Don't fall for it!


Image viaChiquis/Instagram

This quote from social media breakout poet Robert Macías, aka R.M. Drake, describes the warrior in every woman. Hold on to her.

Always be yourself

Image viaChiquis/Instagram

Recently, Chiquis has been putting the life lessons her mother Jenni Rivera taught her to good use. The main one is being yourself. Chiquis is serene and coming to an understanding with this moment. Thanks for the lesson.