All relationships go through ups and downs, it's normal. But some issues are a sign that your relationship might be headed for disaster, so it's good to keep an eye out for them and do something about them before they get out of control. Click through to see what signs you should keep an eye out for and what you can do about them.
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It's all about the kids

Yes, your kids are important and they should be a major focus, but the two of you as a couple need to be a part of the picture too.
Solution: Stay interested in each other

Touch base daily and talk about things other than the kids. Remember that before the kids it was just the two of you and the kids won't be kids forever so don't grow apart.
You can't remember the last time you had sex

If there was a time when you couldn't keep your hands off of each other and now you rarely or never get intimate, that's not a good thing.
Solution: Have sex

Even if you don't feel like it or think you are too tired, make time to make love. Think of sex as the way that a couple plays together and a couple that plays together stays together.
You never spend time alone

It's hard to get time alone what with the kids, work and so many other things, but you both need some quality alone time to keep the spark going.
Solution: Date night

Date night doesn't have to cost a bundle or require a lot of time or even take place at night. If all you have is 30 minutes to spend alone, then go for it. You can grab a cafecito and go for a walk. Talk about things that have nothing to do with the kids. Just enjoy each other's company.
You don't trust each other

Do you find yourself snooping through his phone? Does he do the same to you? Spying on someone is not cool and is a sign that you have some issues to work out. Trust is a must in a good relationship.
Solution: Find a way to trust each other

If you can't talk through the issues yourself and find a way to trust each other it may be time to see a therapist together to help you out. There is nothing wrong with seeking help from a professional.
You fight to win

Do you fight fair or do you call each other names and pull out all the punches so you can win? It's nice to be right, but it's better to find common ground.
Solution: Set ground rules

Set rules like no fighting in front of the kids, no calling each other names or cursing–and STICK to them. Also, listen to the other person's perspective and try to see where they are coming from. There are ALWAYS two sides to an argument.
You're all about the daily grind

Daily survival can really take a toll on a relationship if that's all you focus on.
Solution: Dream about the future together

Never stop planning your future together. Dream together, make plans together even if some of those dreamy plans seem impossible right now.