Zoe Saldana shocked me with her message to all those xenophobes that have a problem with Latinos in this country. In an interview with Latina, the Dominican American actress was somehow brutally honest and kind–she ended up saying: "I feel like hugging them." Can you imagine? I wish I could see Donald Trump feeling those gorgeous arms around him.
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Here are some of her best quotes:
The only true American here is the Native American. Everyone else is a transplant. We're going through the exact same thing the Italians went through, the Irish, the Jews, and the Asians. In different ways, but it's been very similar. After a while, people acculturated, and they only found solace by literally accepting themselves and going, "Whatever. Esta soy yo." They were like, "This is my new country, but I'm going to keep this from my old, and I'm gonna blend it all."
You can't kill us. You can't send us back. We are millions and millions here because it is our time to migrate. We are the youngest culture. We are doing what your people did. So shut up and just deal with it. Adjust your laws, because it's not going away. If anything, I want to give them a hug, and say, "It's okay. It's new. Don't be scared. We're great people. We're gonna do great and better things for your country. Trust me." We're not angry either. We're a culture that isn't angry.
How is this for an honest and clear message? The only thing that could have made it better is saying it in front of those who are so scared of our talent, who behave like children and mask their fears as anger and say the most offensive things.
I asked my children, who are 9 and 13 and love Saldana as Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, to read her message and their response was: Damn right! They were truly proud and said if they ever met her they'd give her a hug and an even bigger thank you!
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