Cheaters are going to cheat. It's sad but true. Nothing proves it more than the recently Ashley Madison scandal, a site for married people to cheat on their significant other. Hackers managed to leak personal data of 37 million users, which means that's a whole lot of descarados getting caught cheating! Uncover how to look up your partner and other signs that may point to a cheater.
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–With additional reporting by Giselle Castro
Image via Corbis
He has a Ashley Madison account

Ashley Madison is an online dating site for married people to hook up. Thanks to hackers, a list of their 37 million clients were recently released. If you go on the hacker site and find his name, he has been caught red-handed. The link has been included for your investigative purposes.
He's a creeper on Instagram

Who he interacts with on social media–especially Instagram says a lot. If he's following a bunch of hot models and women, chances are he may not have the most loyal heart.
His phone is always on silent mode

Is he suddenly on his phone more than usual and acting jumpy every time he receives a text? Or does he have it on airplane or silent mode? These are definite red flags.
Sex life is no more

Remember in the beginning when you couldn't keep your hands off each other? You used to gross out everyone with your PDA….but now that's non-existent. Usually when a man is cheating, he retracts from sex with his partner because he just may be getting it elsewhere or may feel guilty.
Accuses you of cheating

The reverse psychology method is quite popular, as the cheater may harbor feelings of guilt and then reflect them on their partner. Therefore, they accuse the innocent party of cheating and make them feel bad in the process.
He disappears

You used to know where he was morning, noon, night–even what he ate for lunch. Now without any explanation he just vanishes and you know nothing about his whereabouts anymore. You may just have a conniving cheater on your hands.
He is always online

If your man rather spend all of his free time (especially at night) on the computer instead of curled up next to you, chances are he probably has a virtual rated-R distraction.
Mutual friends lessen

You used to be attached at the hip to the point that your mutual friends thought you were perfect for each other. But now it seems like they want to be less and less around the two of you. Chances are that they are aware that something is going on and may not be able to face you knowing this fact.
Talks up a new person

If you've dated for awhile or been married for a number of years, you tend to know the people in your man knows whether it's at work or his personal life. If he suddenly starts talking up a random person, he may be cheating with them or making up someone as a diversion.
Keeps you at arm's distance

Couples normally show affection by holding hands, cuddling, even heavy petting, but if he's suddenly stopped doing that, be forewarned. If it's apparent that he's avoiding physical contact, something is up.
Unexpected presents and compliments

If your man was never the type to shower you with gifts and compliments and has suddenly started doing just that–be suspicious! Usually when a cheater wants to keep his partner content and unaware, they'll blind them with random presents and over complimenting.
He stops complimenting you

He used to make you feel like the hottest woman on the block and now he doesn't even compliment you in the slightest. Even worse, he points out your flaws. There could be someone else in the picture he's pining over.