Anyone who has been cheated on at some point in their lives has stressed about what exactly made their partner cheat. It turns out that the psychology of a cheater is less complex than we may imagine. The real reason men cheat? Read on …
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According to a study by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the core of what drives someone to cheat could be biological. There are two major red flags to keep in mind that you would've never guessed.
As it turns out, men with higher testosterone levels are more likely to cheat. Women aren't left out either! When we have higher estrogen levels, we are also more likely to be disloyal to our mate. This doesn't help one bit! How are you supposed to measure hormone levels when dating someone?
Dr. Gary Lewandowski from The Science of Relationships explains that the signs could be in the person's vocal tone. Men with deeper voices and women with higher pitched vocal tones are more biologically prone to cheating. Clearly not everyone who has a high-pitched voice is a cheater, but what this study finds is that high hormone levels make it more difficult to resist temptation.
In the same regard, women are more likely to cheat when they're ovulating. The chemical changes in a woman's body during this time of the month may make a woman's eye stray. As the study explains, evolution plays a role in this since subconsciously the female wants a stable and strong partner. Dr. Lewandowski explains, "She'll cheat when she is most fertile so that her offspring will have the benefit of better genes. Of course, the hope here would be that old Napoleon wouldn't figure it out."
I personally believe that blaming cheating on biology is the worst excuse of them all. Now these descarados will say, "I can't help it! I was born this way." I believe that biology has a role, but it's not the final determining factor and nor does it give the cheater an excuse for their actions. There is definitely more to discover about the cheating brain.
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