Marna Clarke started taking naked selfies of herself four years ago, and hasn't been able to stop since. What's new, right? Everyone takes nude selifies these days. Well, yes and no. You see, Marna isn't your typical self-absorbed selfie queen. At 74 years young, Marna isn't taking these pics with the intention of impressing anyone, not even her husband Igor. Nope. Marna snaps pics of her naked body and shares them online for no other reason than to remind herself that she was, is, and always will be beautiful in the skin she's in.
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Marna, a photographer, started taking nude photos of herself when she turned 70. "[I] began to think of myself as getting old," Marna explains to the Huffington Post. "I wanted to see what 'old' looked like on me, so I started taking pictures of my naked body."
But don't get it twisted. Marna's photos aren't your run of the mill selfies. She doesn't affect conventionally "sexy" poses or purse her lips in a come hither kissy face. Pffft! Those poses are for the birds. In fact, Marna doesn't pose at all. Sometimes Marna snaps full frontal photos of herself just standing there, wearing nothing but her birthday suit, and other times she focuses her lens on specific body parts, such as her bare hands, feet, torso, arms, face and hair.
But lest you think her photos sound bland, let me assure you that they aren't. Marna's photos are stunning. There's something so striking and, dare I say it, sexy about a woman who embraces her body in all its glory, as well as in all its ordinariness. Heck, I'd even go so far as to say that her photos are alluring.
Marna's photos are like an invitation of sorts. They beckon you to stop hiding your lumps, bumps and canas. They invite you to stand in front of your own mirror stark naked, and embrace what you see, no matter how old or young you are. They dare you to resist the urge to hide your lumps or bumps with creative hand placements or camera angles. They're examples of just how beautiful a real, unretouched body can be. They prove that the accumulation of years, stretch marks and wrinkles do not negate beauty. They don't dilute sex appeal. On the contrary, these photos prove that a woman's ability to accept such perceived imperfections are what makes her truly beautiful, inside and out.
Images via the Huffington Post