Growing up I used to get really pissed off when people would ask if I spoke Spanish or Mexican? I mean COME ON, there is no such language as Mexican just like there is no such language as American! I still don't love it when people ask that question because it reeks of rudeness and ignorance, but I do have to admit there are some Mexican sayings or slangs phrases that really aren't a part of the Spanish language in general and are as Mexican as Mexican can be and need to be translated even to Spanish speakers who don't speak "Mexican."
Read more ¿Qué más?: 11 Reasons I love being Mexican
Here is some of my favorite Mexican slang with literal translations where they exist and the actual meanings for all to enjoy 'cause, in the end, language is about understanding each other:
- A huevo or "to egg" means of course or a very firm hell, yeah!
2. A la verga or "to the dick" can be used to express shock, dismay or anger, it's flexible that way. Sort of like saying crap in English when something shocks you.
3. Aguas or "waters" means watch out or cuidado!
4. Ahorita or "a little now" is used to mean soon or in a minute. As in I'll do it ahorita. You're sort of saying you'll do it soon like now-ish, but not now.
5. Chamba has no translation and means job or work. Breaks over and you gotta get back to your chamba kind of thing.
6. Chela has no translation and means beer, brewskey or a cold one.
7. Chido has no translation and means cool.
8. Codo or "elbow" is used to refer to someone who is cheap.
9. Feria means "carnival," but if you need feria or want feria, you are talkin' about money, honey.
10. Fresa is "strawberry," but if a person is being described as fresa, it's because they are kind of snotty and preppy.
11. Muy muy or "very very" refers to a person who thinks very highly of themself and not in a good way. If you think you are muy muy, you are quite full of yourself.
12. Lana means "wool," but in slang terms it's money.
13. Naco has no translation and is used to describe a person with no class or education who is a bit of an embarrassment to themselves, but doesn't realize it.
14. Neta has no translation, but means truth. La neta is the truth. If you say neta with a question mark it's like saying, "Really?"
15. No hay bronca means "there is no fight," but means there is no problem.
16. No hay pedo means "there is no fart." No fart means there is no problem or bronca. Someone thinks you are mad, you tell them there is no pedo and they get that you are fine.
17. No mames or "don't suck" means stop kidding or no way!
18. No manches or "don't stain" is uttered when you just can't believe what someome has said, like are you kidding or unbelieveable. It's really the PG-version of no mames.
19. Tocayo has no translation, but means namesake. Your tocayo has the same name as you.
20. Qué onda or "what wave?" means what's up?
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