Every day there's another horrific news story to make you lose hope in humanity, but here's one to help you regain faith in your fellow men and women. A passenger at a train station in Perth, Australia, got his leg stuck in the gap between the subway and the nearby platform while boarding the train–and, in order to rescue him, dozens of people banded together to push the train, managing to tilt it enough to rescue the man. You have to see the video!
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A video released by the Public Transport Authority in Perth shows the moment the passenger attempts to board the train and his left foot slips into the treacherous gap. His entire limb stuck, he almost appears to be sitting by the train's entrance, his right leg firmly inside the train and his left leg wedged in the gap right outside the closing doors. You can see the passenger extending his arms, placing his palms on the ground, and trying to pull himself up–without any success. Within moments, a nearby passenger shouts for help, and transportation workers at Stirling station, along with a group of passengers, gather around to help.
But it's the next part that's truly amazing as more than 20 people line up against the side of the train: office-bound women in sharp slacks and blazers and their male counterparts, some wearing suits, others carrying laptop bags and briefcases; college-aged guys sporting backpacks; orange vest-donning workers; and so forth. When signaled by a nearby staffer, they all press their arms against the side of the train, lean against it and push with all their might until they manage to tilt the train backwards, away from the platform. Thanks to the actions of his fellow passengers, the wedged commuter is able to extricate his leg and, when he does, everyone nearby claps happily.
The man did not sustain any injuries–in fact, though an ambulance was called to the scene, emergency workers did not believe a visit to the hospital was necessary.
Transperth spokesman David Hynes said it was "people power" that saved this man from being seriously injured, and his words couldn't ring truer. With all the harrowing news reports we encounter every day, it's refreshing to be reminded that there are still scores of heroic, kind-hearted, upstanding men and women in the world who will go the extra mile to help those in need.
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/nZx4MichXXE
Image via YouTube