Once in awhile I'll come across video that touches my soul. In this case, a 2-year-old amputee set my heart aflutter after he was captured taking his first steps on camera. The boy, Kayden Elijah Kinckle who has one prosthetic leg because of a health condition he was born with, proves that anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.
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Kayden was born with omphalocele, a hernia that causes somes infants organs to grow on the outside of their stomach. His case wasn't as bad but it did result in his legs having deformities which is why one of them had to be amputated.
The video of the boy walking with a walker for the first time is so heartwarming, you'll want to rewatch it more than once. In the footage he is offered help to manuveur the walker, but he knows what he's capable of. He tells the adults around him, "I got this" and he in fact does as he proves he can walk with the assistance of the walker on his own.
Since the video went viral on Facebook Kayden's mom has been holding a fundraiser online to help pay for his medical expenses. So far she's raised $9,088 on gofundme.com and is hoping to earn $50,000 in the end. If you'd like to help the Kinckle family, you can donate here.
Meanwhile check out the inspirational and touching video below!
Embedded content: http://youtu.be/nrGsdrW8HlE
Image via gofundme.com/steppinoutonfaith