February is the month of love and friendship. It is the time when we all want to find our soul mate, the one person who understands us and loves us truly without limits. In these days, the big star sun is in the sign of Aquarius, and so it is time for parties, celebrations and couples.
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It is also a month of passing love affairs and when detachment must be learned for both love and sex. Here are the tips that the stars have for you. Take advantage of them reading the sign you belong to.
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Aries (Mar 21 - April 19)

Arian, this month Mars in Libra will make you be more active than ever. Try to explain your feelings and why you do the things you do before making decisions. That way you will avoid hurting people around you. On the sexual plane, you will be so open to new relationships and so excited that you may feel that your partner or lover does not fulfill your desires. Do not listen to your instincts so much, they can deceive you; rather focus on what your soul truly desires. Arians without a partner will be more besieged than usual by many potential candidates interested in them.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

This month the stars will be on your side. You have to focus your time and space into putting in action all the special seductive ability that you possess. You also should enjoy all the affection and sensuality of your partner. It is a perfect period to spend all your energy doing physical exercise or yoga. Taureans without partners will have to have some patience since the person they are looking for is on the way almost at the end of this month.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Falling in love is not easy for you because you have too much mental energy and you think very well before embarking on a relationship. What catches your attention and fascinates you is the element of surprise, so be ready because this month the stars have several of them prepared for you. Past loves may appear or people in your circle of friends that call your attention can get to touch your heart. On the sexual plane you will also find that your partner is looking for new and riskier situations for making love. Gemineans without a partner should also be prepared for very romantic evenings.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer, you are going through a time of many tensions. On one hand, things with your steady partner become very monotonous and, on the other, people who want to be with you chase you. You should take it slowly and think about what you really want. This month, you should vary your playful ability to make love. For example, you might want to use sex toys. Another thing you can try is accessories with different models of leatherette clothing to cause more excitement with such bold and sexy items and use the black color, which is perfect for you.
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Leos will be more hyperactive than usual this month; surrounded by friends and acquaintances that are going to invite them to parties and meetings. For Leos with or without commitments it is important to play a more receptive role in the sexual plane, to wait for the other to conquest them. Leos are often so preoccupied seeking approval that they do not notice they invade the other’s erotic desire. To create more passion, use different fabric textures in erotic lingerie. Throw some aphrodisiacs into the sexual act with special flavors and many dried fruits, like dates, which are so sweet.
Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Virgos, if you want to keep the flame of passion this month you should understand more the needs of your partner, who is also seeking a lot of attention. You must learn to give all that, but you also have the right to ask for it. You often get lost in professional and work duties and leave love in the background. You should give as much care and dedication to a loving, sexual relationship as to a profession. On the erotic level, this month you will be more active and more passionate than usual.
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

This month, with Mars in your sign, you are more focused on love affairs and will seek fun and risky situations in the sexual area. Try to balance your needs with those of your partner, because you’re going to be very determined to do just what you want. This can lead to some confusion in your relationship because you always try to avoid arguments and problems seeking harmony. Dedicate all that passionate sexual energy to having romantic encounters with your partner. The unpaired Librans will be very seductive and go to the conquest of the man they want.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

For Scorpios who are seeking a partner this period is very positive for committing or finding the man of their dreams. If you already have a steady partner it is the time to make changes in the model of your communication, since many times your partner does not understand your mysteries and becomes frustrated. This month, you have a special intuition with people you know. In sex, do not stop saying what you like and what you need. If you do, you tend to feel a lot of dissatisfaction or a feeling of emptiness.
Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sagittarians were waiting for harmony in their relationships; this is an ideal month for that. So, put all your negative feelings aside, reassume your natural optimism and let only positive energy cover this period. On the sexual plane, it will be a month of new experiences; you will feel that everyone that comes to you will be fascinated by your erotic seduction. Even if you feel besieged by others, relax and enjoy this time.
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

There are several planets in cardinal signs in transit at this moment for you, that is why you feel a lot of tension in your relationships. You can’t explain why senseless conflicts appear in your life. Because of your impatience now to find someone to feel good and relax with, you may choose the wrong person. You have to learn that the stars are alerting you to think clearly what you want and then look for that in your relationships. You cannot always make your desires come true when you want to. Sexually, you are hotter than ever and you seem like pure fire. Do not overwhelm your lover.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

This is a time of the year when you shine like a sun. Your loving energy will be overflowing and you will be happy. Your partner will find you irresistible and total ecstasy will reign in the erotic level. Try to keep this sexual and emotional rhythm with your partner all year round. Focus on all your sexual and emotional potential. Unpaired Aquarians may find in reunions with friends people with common interests to have fun and also expand the circle of friends. Celebrate each day of this month; it will be unforgettable in every way.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

A possible relationship that you have been waiting so much may become a reality this month. Do not miss the opportunity or be quickly discouraged. If you really want to have a future in common with that person, you will find a good chance to proceed using the powers of the softness and kindness. You can achieve what you set yourself to if you understand how much sexual and loving magnetism you possess. Do not act inconsistent with your friends; there are people who value your company. On the sexual plane, you are going to find that your partner or lover is a little extravagant. It will be good for you to make an original change in the erotic level.