Khloe Kardashian’s weight loss secrets finally REVEALED!

Khloe Kardashian has been stealing the spotlight away from the rest of her famous sisters with her amazing slim new figure. The 30-year-old reality star committed to a healthier lifestyle and has been working with celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson, who has also trained Jennifer Lopez and Sofia Vergara. I love the new Khloe! She beams with confidence and looks radiant. Her diet and exercise routine isn't intimidating or over-the-top, which is perfect for us at home! We're revealing her top ten weight loss secrets to get a toned curvy figure ASAP! 

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Soul Cycle

Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

The 30-year-old reality star maintains her toned legs and booty by attending Soul Cycle spinning classes religiously. Her curvy silhouette is definitely selling that class!

Barbell squats

Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

This move helps develop leg and hip strength as well as a full core workout. Khloe seems to be killing it!

Cheat meal

Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

Khloe's trainer Gunnar Peterson doesn't believe in "cheat days," but "cheat meals" instead. "Every day I indulge with something because if I feel restricted, I'm gonna lash out," he told ET.


Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

Khloe has no secrets when it comes to her faja-loving ways. She waist-trains often and her slim mid-section is definitely snatching into place nicely.

No soda


Khloe said adios to her love for soda to continue her weight loss journey. "I've cut out soda completely and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change," she said in an interview.

Strength training

Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

Khloe gets those amazing abs by focusing on strength training. Her trainer explained, "If you're on a bike for 25 or running for 25 minutes, drop down every five minutes and do ten squats, ten pushups and ten crunches."

No dieting


Khloe says she hates dieting because it has the word "die" in it. So true! Instead, she believes in a "lifestyle change," which includes healthy eating.


Khloe Kardashian/Instagram

You can't skip cardio if you want to see fast results. Make sure to work in running or jumping rope into your routine.

Stay hydrated


Drinking water throughout the day is key to detoxing the body and keeping it clean. Khloe's trainer said, "Your muscles are 70-plus percent water — how are you not drinking water during a workout?"

No going to the gym hungry


Going to the gym hungry will force you to speed up your workout and may limit your amount of commitment. Have a small snack like a fruit or yogurt beforehand.