10 Things you do that make you irresistible to mosquitoes

Mosquitoes suck–literally. Their bites hurt and itch like the dickens, leading many of us to do whatever it takes to keep them at bay. We buy special candles, lotions, sprays, and some people even whip up home remedies, all to avoid getting eaten alive by those pesky little buggers. But what if i told you there was an easier, cheaper way to keep you from becoming food for a mosquito?

__Read more ¿Qué más?:  __6 Foods That help you avoid mosquito bites

The truth is, mosquitoes are attracted to you for a reason. More often than not, either you're wearing something or doing something that puts you on a mosquitoe's radar, and subsequently on their menu. But do not despair. Once you get rid of whatever it is they're lusting after, they'll likely leave you alone But first: you have to figure out what's making you a mosquito magnet.

Here are 12 things that make you absolutely compelling to mosquitoes. 

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Body odor


Body odor isn't attractive to most, but for some reason mosquitoes can't get enough of it. Load up on unscented deodorant this summer if you want to keep mosquitoes off your cuerpo.

Dark colors


Mosquitoes love dark colors, especially dark blue. Want to keep them away? Lighten up your wardrobe.

Wear perfume


Don't even think about covering up your body odor with perfume or scented lotion. That'll just make things worse. Mosquitoes love perfume, espcially those containing floral notes.



When you workout, you produce three things mosquitoes go gaga for: lactic acid, sweat, and CO2. If you're going to workout (which you definitely should), don't forget to shower before you head back out into the mosquito-infested world.



Mosquitoes want to see you sweat! That's because the blood suckers need water to reproduce, and they are naturally attracted to areas with higher humidity levels. You know, like your armpits on a hot summer day.

Drink beer


According to a 2011 French study, mosquitoes really like boozy blood. If you want to avoid getting bitten, avoid getting buzzed. Sorry!



Mosquitoes even like your breath, not that we're flattered or anything. They're just using us for the carbon dioxide we exhale. That isn't to say you should just stop breathing. Just slow your roll. Breathing hard or gasping for air (when you workout) will attract more mosquitoes than necessary.

Have type O blood


Bad news for all you universal blood donors. Mosquitoes like your blood type best. According to a 2004 study, people with type O blood were 83% more likely to attract mosquitoes than any other blood type. That bites!



Those lil' suckers are like heat-seeking missiles. Running around raises your core body temp, which in turn makes you more visible to mosquitoes. Not to mention, you're also likely to sweat and get a lil' funky, which we already know drives mosquitoes loco.

Be a guy


Or a pregnant woman. Sorry, ladies. We don't get off that easy. Big guys and pregnant women both tend to breath harder and heavier, causing them to produce more CO2, which mosquitoes love. Aw, man…and woman!