When you make lemonade, eat a grapefruit or simply squeeze a fresh cup of orange juice, you consume vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant which combats free radicals that damage our cells. Besides this, vitamin C is amazing to combat and prevent colds. But did you know that throwing out the peel of citrus fruits is like throwing out more than half of the benefits that they can give you? Read on to find out how much you're missing if you're discarding the peels!
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The peel of citrus fruits has healing powers, can be used as air freshners, as insect repellents, to make infusions and wonderful desserts. Check out my gallery so you can know all about the many uses of this ingredient we usually trash.
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Pesticide free

If your citrus fruit are organic, better yet. If not, you should know that the peels have been exposed to insecticides and pesticides, so make sure you wash them really, really well.

Conventional cirtrus fruits (non-organic) have a thin layer of wax that protects them and makes them look shiny. To get rid of it, you should wash it well with water, scrub them with a soap-free sponge, and dry them before using.

Orange peels have more favonoids and nutrients than the pulp itself. These substances are excellent digestives and can help combat heartburn and gas. To use them, boil them and drink as a tea.
Fight colds

The peel of orange, grapefruit, lime and lemon is rich in vitamins A and C and heps prevent colds and the flu.
As an insect repellent

Why do you think medicine to treat insect bites have citronella? What about the candles we use in our yards to ward off bugs during the summer? There's nothing like citrus fruit peels to soothe skin and to repel insects.
In alcohol

Remember the alcohol infusions our abuelas used to soothe pain in their legs? To make it yourself take about 2 cups lemon peels , a bit of shredded ginger, a few cloves and a liter of rubbing alcohol; mix everything together and let it rest for a week. You'll have the same muscle-soothing infusion to use like our abuelas!
As a syrup

With a bit of rum, you'll be able to extract the best essential oils from the peels of your lemon. This recipe cures any throat ailment, but it's also amazing to sweeten lemonades (for adults!) and to make cocktails.
As an exfoliant

If you don't suffer from acne, you can exfoliate your skin with ground grapefruit peels. Not only will it give your skin a healthy dose of vitamin C, you'll also exfoliate it with an all-natural ingredient, free of chemicals and harsh ingredients. This scrub will dramatically improve the tone of your skin. You can grind the peels in any food processor.
Fights cholesterol

Citrus fruit peels are rich in nutriets that help fight cholesterol.
Frappe lemonade

To take the most advantage of the peels of lemons or limes, make a frappe lemonade with the rind and everything! You just have to put the entire fruit, cut in two or four pieces (without seeds) in a blender with lemon, a bit of water and any sweetener. Blend ¡y ya!
As a marmalade

This marmalade is amazing and you can make it with the peels of organge or kumquat. The recipe is super healthy: rich in vitamin C and other great antioxidants.
As an air freshner and flavor enhancer

Lime zest is a natural flavor enhancer for vinaigrettes and desserts. And to refresh the air, there's nothing like it.
In oil

If you put the peel of six lemons, cut into strips (making sure that none of the white part goes in since this part is bitter) in a jar of oive oil, cover it and leave it in the fridge for a month, you'll have a delicious lemon-infused olive oil, perfect as a topper for salads!

To make a lemon peel concentrate, put lemon peels in water with a sweetener in a blender. Blend and then strain.