All you have to do to lose weight is BREATHE

The one thing you've been wishing for, dreaming about and yes praying for is here. There's a possibility that you might lose weight by just breathing. Boom! I'm talking about deep-breathing, a.k.a yoga. When you learn how to breathe effectively you can alter the metabolic activity in your brain, send mixed signals and decrease your body mass. It's said that works most effectively with obese teens and young adults, but I'm sure that if you watch what you eat, and breathe you can achieve the same results. Keep reading, my friend, because I'm going to tell you what this breathing is all about.

Read more ¿Qué más?: 5 Easy ways to lose weight overnight

I know you think this is BS, but there's an actual precedent here and it's worth knowing about it. There are two different types of breathing. The one we do every second called chest breathing and the one you learn with a technique called deep-breathing. Chest breathing doesn't do anything to alter our weight, but deep-breathing, on the other hand, fills our cells with a lot of oxygen which allows them to absorb more nutrients. It also stimulates your lymphatic system and helps you eliminate toxins. I don't know if you have taken a yoga class before, but it's all about learning how to breathe.

The science of deep-breathing is meant to fill your body with oxygen instead of fat. Because it concentrates in the parasympathetic nervous system, you'll end up feeling more relaxed and less stressed. Deep-breathing also slows down your metabolism and helps with digestion. Basically, you won't be binging because you are nervous. It's recommended to do deep-breathing exercises several times a day and you don't have to be lying on a yoga mat. Here's what to do:

1. Become mindful of your breathing. Take deep inhales and long exhales to fill your chest and body with oxygen.

2. Breathe only through your nose to activate your parasympathetic nervous system fully.

3. Exhale for a long time to empty your lungs completely, that way you'll inhale deeper.

4. At the office, sit straight on your chair, lean back and rest your hands on your knees. Start with a slow exhale, count to five. Pause for two counts, then inhale, count to five. Be mindful of the way your belly expands. Repeat this deep-breathing exercise five to 10 times in a cycle.

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