We've all been waiting for that magical thing that makes us lose weight overnight and believe it or not, my friend, the thing is already here! Actually, it's not a "thing", but a group of "things" you can do before bed to kick your metabolism into high gear and burn fat while you sleep. Everything we eat during the day has an effect on our digestive system and weight. Certain foods make us feel bloated and to ease that feeling, we tend to eat simple carbs that increase the amount of fat cells in the belly. Read on, we are going to tell you what to do at night to wake up slimmer!
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1. Cook your veggies: Dinner time is not the best time to have a raw salad because uncooked veggies take a long time to digest and often make you feel bloated. Steam your vegetables instead and eat them with a little bit of turmeric, ginger, garlic and rosemary infused olive oil. All these ingredients boost your metabolism and break up stored fat.
2. Don't pass the salt: Sodium is the worst enemy to sleep and digestion. If you eat a high sodium meal before bed, chances are that you're going to feel bloated, gassy and heavy. Your metabolism will slow down and the food will sit in your stomach. Stay away from salty foods like Chinese, Japanese and BBQ.
3. A cup of green tea an hour before bed: The powerful antioxidants in green tea will literally dissolve fat, accelerate your metabolism and flush your entire system. Basically the catechins in green tea attack calories and make them burn faster. They are going to be busy while you are sleeping!
4. Get some beauty sleep: You might be a night owl, but staying up its not helping you lose weight. While we sleep the body releases a hormone called melatonin which is essential for weight loss because it makes the body produce brown-fat which burns calories at a record speed.
5. Make it cold: I'm sure you heard the old wives tale that skinny people feel cold all the time. Well, there's an actual precedent about that statement. According to a study by the National Institute of Health, if you make your room cold during the night you'll burn calories faster. The results revealed that people who slept in a 66 degree room burned seven times the calories of those who slept at 75 degrees.
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