Like it or not, we have to learn to mind our tongues–literally. There's a reason why most doctors ask you to open wide during annual check-ups. The tongue's pigmentation and color indicates a lot about our general health and diet. As part of the body's digestive system, the tongue reveals the toxin levels in our bodies and could point to illnesses before they strike hard. Here are five specific warning signs your tongue could be trying to tell you.
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Nadya Andreeva, the author of Happy Belly: A Woman's Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and Balanced, explains, "Our tongues contain a wealth of information, and learning how to interpret the looks of our tongues can be very helpful in understanding our bodies on a deeper level." The best time to grab a mirror and look at your tongue is in the morning before brushing your teeth. Ready?
1. A heavy white coating: This could point to toxins in your colon and a slow digestive system. You may want to reevaluate your diet and avoid eating heavy and greasy foods. A thick white coat means that your body is working extra hard to digest your meals.
2. A black or hairy tongue: If you see darkness at the front and center of your tongue, this could be caused by poor oral health or a fungal infection and should be an immediate red flag. A healthy tongue should be pink and fleshy–not brown or black. Dr. Steven Lamm explains that it could mean more harm than just having bad teeth. "Poor oral health sets you up for a higher risk of heart disease," he states.
3. A super smooth tongue: This could be a sign of anemia or a lack of iron in your system. Normal tongues are supposed to be a little bumpy and textured. Make sure to pump up on vitamins, protein and more red meats.
4. Teeth marks on your tongue: This means that your tongue gets swollen often, which could mean that your diet includes too much salt. This also points to issues with your digestion. Be sure to drink tea and lots of water to help clear out your system and stay away from salty foods like chips or French fries.
5. Black spots or purple colored tongue: If you notice that your tongue is slightly off color or has dark spots, it could be warning you about poor circulation, headaches or chest pain. Getting more exercise and sticking to a healthier diet will help with blood flow in the long run. Be sure to talk to your doctor if you notice these or any of the symptoms or signs above.
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