Ever wish you could just take a pill and magically lose weight? Well, ask and you shall receive, girlies. A group of Harvard scientists are "this close" to developing a weight loss pill they say may replace the treadmill. Now before you go running over to your doctor's office to ask for a prescription, there are quite a few things you should know about this so-called miracle pill.
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First of all, it doesn't exist–yet. But it will someday. Maybe. Perhaps. Who knows? All we know is that a group of brainiacs at Harvard Stem Cell Institute at Harvard and Massachusetts General Hospital have identified two compounds that can turn white fat (aka bad fat) into brown fat (aka good fat). Or in laymen's terms, scientists have found a way to turn the kind of fat that just sits on your belly like an unemployed freeloader into the sort of fat that burns energy and calories, and subsequently reduces the size and numbers of white fat cells. That. Sounds. Awesome! Can we hurry up and toss these compounds into some gel-coated capsules and call it a day, already?
Apparently, we cannot. Scientists are still trying to understand these compounds and their potential side effects. And there are side effects, chicas. Some of them are good and others aren't. For instance, the compounds may reduce the chances of a person developing type 2 diabetes, or any other health conditions related to obesity. Yay, right? Well, hold your caballos. The researchers also say the compounds may damage the immune system. Of course there was a catch.
The researchers say they're still a ways away from developing this so-called miracle pill, so I guess that means we'll have to continue hitting the treadmill for now. It's not so bad. Personally, I'd rather burn fat the ol' fashioned way. That miracle pill may help me lose weight, but won't give me that rush of endorphins I get after a good workout. It can't and won't make me feel stronger, faster and more able bodied. I don't know about you, but that feeling is just something I'm not willing to lose__.__
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