Getting and staying energized is simple. You just need the right combination of foods, exercise, stress relievers and, believe it or not, light. Read on to find out eight easy tips and tricks to revving up your energy and losing weight!
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First, don't let yourself sleep those few extra minutes in the morning. A lot of us set the alarm early so we can re-set it for 15 minutes later. What this does is upset what's known as out circadian rhythms – or internal clock. It seems our bodies want to delay our sleep-wake cycle by an average of 12 minutes a day. In laymen terms, that means we want to stay up later and sleep longer. Don't do it. Staying on a regular sleep schedules is one of the best ways to ensure you're not going to be tired throughout the day.
Try to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine when you first wake up. This helps keep your internal clock operating correctly. Even if you just eat your breakfast by the window, starting your day with light is essential. If it's not light when you wake up, turn on all your bedroom lights. I like to start my day with a 30 minute walk. Not only does that give me sunshine, it also boosts my energy. Exercise is a prime energy booster and you should plan on doing it at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
How and what we eat also affects how we feel. If you want to stay energized from morning 'till night, you'll want to eat a good combination of protein, good carbohydrates and fiber. But watch out for too many carbs. Their quick energy boost is usually followed with an energy drain.
Eating more protein will help keep you alert longer. Research out of the University of Illinois recommends keeping healthy carbs below 150 grams a day to stay at your optimal energy levels. That breaks down to five servings of vegetables, two servings of fruit, and three servings of starchy carbohydrates like whole grain bread, rice, or pasta. Eliminate highly refined carbohydrates.
Eating at the same times every day can also help keep your energy up and your internal clock working in your favor. Skipping meals your body expects and chaotic eating leads to greater hunger and, eventually, overeating. Your body needs fuel (food) to stay energized so breakfast, lunch and dinner should never be skipped.
A healthy, high protein snack can also help you avoid an afternoon slump. But, so can light! It works the same way it does in the morning. If you can, plan to take a walk or run errands in the afternoon. If you can't do this, try to work next to a window where you can get sunlight.
Another strategy for staying pumped up, find short times throughout the day to "pump down." Stress hormones tense your muscles and constrict your blood vessels. Get enough stress and you'll start to feel tired and overworked. Take five minutes a few times a day to shut your eyes and meditate. Breathe slowly. Think about things that you enjoy, like the ocean or the clouds. These quick time-outs can keep your stress levels down, which is key to keeping your energy levels up.
Finally, in addition to going to bed at the same time every night, set time aside to unwind before bed. This means doing the opposite of what you do in the morning and afternoon. Find a place with little light. Studies show very bring light at night, like the light of a computer monitor, can confuse your body's sleep-wake cycle. Try to log off your computer at least an hour before bed and, if you watch TV, sit at least 15 feet away. It's recommended that you your lights don't exceed 60 watts in the evening.
Becoming a "creature of habit" may sound boring, but it will help you stay energized longer. In our fast-paced world, our bodies and minds need stability. So, try to rise with the sun, eat regularly and keep your body in rhythm. Not just to stay healthier, but to stay more alert.
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