As a health coach, I deal with people who want to look and feel their best. While I stress the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise, this turns out to be an obstacle for a lot of people.
Some of my clients have health problems that prevent them from going to the gym. The specific problem doesn't matter, the truth is that their condition makes it very difficult for them to exercise.
But guess what? While exercising is a great way to burn calories, even if you aren't able to exercise, it doesn't mean you're destined to be overweight for the rest of your life. Regardless of what health problems you have, you can still shed the pounds and become slim and sexy!
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The reason this is possible is because 75% of the results you get come from the things you eat, NOT the exercises you do!
Sure, I promote fat-blasting exercises because it gets the job done faster. But the biggest difference-maker in whether or not you get the results you want is the foods you put in your body.
Proper nutrition is the most important aspect of fat loss.
So while your injuries or nagging ailments may keep you out of the gym (at least for now), they cannot stop you from eating healthy.
If you can't exercise, it becomes even more important that you get on a healthy eating program. So it is absolutely crucial you give your body all of the nutrients it needs. You need your metabolism running at its full potential.
As a general rule, you want to get the majority of your calories from lean proteins, fruit, vegetables, and healthy fats.
While carbohydrates can be a great source of energy for those working out, since you aren't going to be very active, you want to limit the amountyou take in. This doesn't mean you have to completely avoid these starchy carbs. You can still enjoy them from time to time. Just don't make them a staple of your diet.
It's a great idea to get the majority of your carbs from your fruit and veggies. This ensures that you aren't taking in any empty calories. These foods are packed with the vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients your body needs to start healing itself.
Now, I'm not a doctor so I'm not qualified to give you medical advice, but I can share this…
I've had several clients who've seen their conditions improve after they began eating a healthy diet, and when you think about it, it makes perfect sense.
You truly are what you eat, so if you want your body to get and stay healthy, it's important you give it the building blocks to do so. You have to cut out the junk and feed yourself healthy food. This won't just make you feel better; it will help you look your absolute best.
So even though you can't get to the gym right now, focus on your diet for a while. I promise, the changes will amaze you.vía Thinkstock