Here's a frustrating situation we've all gone through when trying to lose weight: You're excited, you're ready to take action, you're ready to go out there and build the body of your dreams. Your motivation is at an all-time high and you're focused on your goal. You've been eating right, getting your exercise in, and your hard work is actually starting to pay off. Every day, your clothes get looser and the scale gets lighter. And the best part is, it's getting easier. Your healthy lifestyle is becoming a habit.
But just when you start thinking you can really do this, when you can actually see your goals as the light at the end of the weight loss tunnel, that's when he pokes his ugly little head out. I'm talking about the cravings monster. Before you can even notice him, he sinks his teeth into you. And instantly, the cravings start taking over.
Read more ¿Qué más?: How to eat everything you crave & STILL lose weight!
It doesn't matter how hard you fight it. It doesn't matter how strong your willpower is, once he gets a hold of you, it becomes almost impossible to keep eating healthy. It's only a matter of time until you start binging on ice cream, cookies, candy or other sugary foods, ruining an entire week's worth of progress in a one-day feeding frenzy. It can be so frustrating. But it doesn't have to be this way.
There are things you can do to keep yourself safe from that pesky little pest. And I'm going to share a few powerful tricks with you right now.

First, make sure you're eating several small meals throughout the day. This serves two very important purposes. It keeps your metabolism elevated, so you burn fat around the clock. But even more importantly, by constantly keeping your body nourished, you shut down the cravings before they even get started. The reason you crave junk foods is because your body is crying out for energy. And since sugar is a rapidly digested source of energy, sugary foods are what you end up craving. But by eating small meals every few hours, you keep your energy levels constant and the cravings at bay. For best effect, you want to eat meals high in protein and fiber, because these foods will help you feel satisfied for longer.
It's also important to stay hydrated. A lot of times when you feel a sudden craving, it's just your body crying out for water. The signals for thirst and hunger feel so similar, so it's easy to get them confused. But here's what you do: The next time you feel a sugar craving coming on, before you go reaching for the bag of Skittles, drink a big tall glass of cold water. Many times, that will be enough to kick the craving. And by drinking the water ahead of time, you can prevent the cravings from getting started.
But if it's too late and the craving already kicked in, here's a trick you can use to confuse your mind and shut it down: Go brush your teeth! It sounds silly, I know, but brushing your teeth will distract you from the craving. Plus, it gives you that feeling of a clean mouth. And once you have that feeling, you won't want to ruin it by putting sugar in your mouth.
Sugar cravings are the worst enemy of anyone trying to lose weight. But by using the tricks I've shared, you'll be able to prevent them from getting started (and shut them down once they do!).
Image via Thinsktock