This delicious fat loss weapon has been quietly used for centuries. But over the last few years, the secret has gotten out. Now, there's no denying it: Green tea is amazing for your health! And if you're trying to shed those extra pounds, it might be that helping hand you've been looking for. Because by simply sipping on a cup of this relaxing morning drink, you amp up your body's ability to burn that ugly fat.
And who doesn't want that, right?
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Imagine it: Fat loss just by drinking something that tastes great. Instead of having to spend hours on the treadmill burning calories, you can just drink this delicious tea and let your metabolism do the heavy lifting for you!
But obviously, I'm not telling you to just sit on the couch and magically transform into a supermodel. Yes, it's true that green tea boosts your body's metabolism, and yes, by drinking it, you will burn more fat, even if you don't do anything else. But green tea's real fat-burning power is revealed when you combine it with an effective exercise program.
Because green tea contains something called polyphenols. And they increase the rate at which your body oxidizes fat. Basically, what that means is they allow you to burn more calories from the food you eat. So any exercise you do becomes more effective!
Instead of spending 30 minutes on the elliptical to burn 200 calories, it may only take you 20 minutes! This means you get better results in less time.
But that's only half of green tea's fat-burning magic. Green tea also helps to regulate blood sugar. This prevents those insulin spikes that send your body into "fat storage" mode. So by increasing your metabolism and keeping your body out of fat storage, it's easy to see why green tea is a no-brainer for anyone trying to slim down.
But even if you weren't interested in easy weight loss (ha, who are we kidding!), then green tea would still be a great way to start your day each morning. It provides so many health benefits, that it's hard to keep track of them all: Green tea has been shown to help protect your heart health. It soothes the lining of blood vessels, keeping them relaxed and flexible. It's also been shown to help prevent blood clots, which is the primary cause of heart attacks.
Green tea has been shown to lower bad cholesterol. It contains the amino acid theanine, which causes green tea to give a relaxing effect to those who drink it. This makes green tea a natural mood enhancer that helps you cope with stress and depression.
Green tea also contains "catechins", which are known for killing bacteria and viruses. These help in preventing everything from the flu, throat infections, and even tooth decay.
But green tea's best feature might be its incredible amount of antioxidants. This makes green tea great for your skin. It helps with everything from reducing sun damage to preventing wrinkles!
As you can see, green tea keeps you healthy and helps you look slim and young. It's an amazing way to start your day and can replace your morning coffee. So give it a try. I'm sure you'll notice a difference right away.
This post was originally published on July 18, 2013.
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