I know drinking soda is bad for my health and yet, I have a hard time giving it up. But after hearing about a 31-year-old woman who suffers from serious heart problems because of her soda consumption, I think I may have had my last glass of soda last night. Then again, the woman, who lives in Monaco, has been drinking 2 liters (or half a gallon) of soda daily since she turned 15 and stopped drinking water.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Coca-cola has actually KILLED a woman, doctors say
After recently fainting, the woman was taken to the hospital where she was told her potassium levels were really low and she suffered from erratic heart beats. She then proceeded to confess her addiction to the sweet drink. Since she didn't have a family history of heart failure, doctors knew her extreme cola consumption was to blame.
Can you imagine going half your life not drinking water not because you can't, but simply because you don't want to? I must admit I'm not a huge water lover, but even I crave a told glass of icy cold water when I'm truly thirsty. In fact, I've found water is the only thing that will truly quench my thirst.
After abstaining from drinking soda for a week, the changes in the woman's potassium levels were dramatic, which proves that it's never too late to rid yourself of the nasty habit of drinking soda.
I don't let my kids drink it, but last week we were on vacation in Puerto Rico and I was floored to see that most of their cousins–some as young as 18 months old–drink soda regularly. It was hard to constantly say no to my kids when they asked if they could have the same drink as their cousins, but I would hate to be the one responsible for introducing them to a dangerous substance that could end up killing them!
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