Rompope, ron popo, coquito, ponche crema, cola de mono, eggnog, sabajón… They are punches made with milk, eggs, sugar, spices and rum. We usually drink them for Christmas, New Year's Eve and Three Kings Day. But what makes Mexican rompope unique are ground almonds. Here's an easy recipe.
More from MamásLatinas: Holiday recipe: Delicious and easy Puerto Rican coquito
Image via Enriqueta Lemoine
First, the milk

To make 5 rompope cups, you'll need 4 cups of milk.
Add sugar

One cup of sugar is all you need to sweeten your rompope. Stir with a wooden spoon until the sugar is totally dissolved.

Almonds, ground or simple almond flour, is what makes rompope so special. You'll need 1/3 cup.

You'll need 2 cinnamon sticks and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract for your rompope to get the authentic Mexican flavor.
Time to cook

Put the pot with milk, sugar and almond flour mixture to cook over medium heat. Stir occasionally until it boils. Once boiling, reduce heat to low, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning or sticking to the bottom of the pot. Let cool down completely.
Now it's time for the egg yolks

Once the milk mixture is cold, separate 6 egg yolks.
Beat the yolks

Beat the yolks until a creamy emusion is formed.
How the yolks should look

Creamy and lemony.
Add the yolks to the milk mixture

Stir well until all the ingredients are combined.
Time to cook again

Cook over low-medium heat, stirring constantly, for 12-15 minutes, until the rompope has a creamy consistency.
Add the rum

I used Ron Santa Teresa Claro, from Venezuela. One cup of rum is enough for the amount of rompope we're making. Just stir and refrigerate overnight before serving.

Serve in small glasses and garnish with a cinnamon stick. Cheers!