Suffering from gas and bloating is one of the most uncomfortable things to have to face in public, even when the public is just your immediate family. Luckily, there are natural food remedies that can help get rid of gas and keep bloat away. A lot of these foods are ones you should be eating even if you aren't prone to gas or bloating because they are good for you and keep your digestive system running smoothly.
More from MamásLatinas: Surprising reasons why you may be feeling constantly bloated
Another thing to keep in mind is that if you notice you tend to get gassy or bloated after eating certain foods, then maybe you don't want to eat those foods when you have to be around other people because gas tends to find a way to come out, if you know what we mean. We realize that sometimes those foods are hard to resist, though. So, for those times when you do indulge and need to help your body digest that indulgence, check out these foods that fight gas and bloating.
Peppermint cools things down.

Fresh peppermint can help cool down an upset stomach and allows gas to pass through more easily. Simply steep a few peppermint leaves in boiling water and let sit until it reaches a drinkable temperature. Also, don't expect the same results from mint or peppermint candies. Dr. Aline Charabaty, from Georgetown University Hospital in Washington, D.C, explains, "One thing to remember is that peppermint candies have a high sugar content. Sugar can get fermented by the bacteria in our small bowel, which in turn can produce gas.”
Pineapple helps with digestion.

The tasty fruit has an anti-bloating enzyme known as bromelain, which helps break down protein and reduces gas build-up. The next time you're tempted to grab the sinful dessert, go for some pineapple instead and your stomach will thank you later.
Honey is gentle on your tummy.

The natural sweetener is easy to digest and kind to the stomach. Add a spoonful to your favorite tea after dinner to get the most out of its sweet benefits. Honey especially helps if you've eaten spicy foods or over-stuffed yourself during a meal.
Lemon's acidity helps calm a belly full of gas.

The high acidity content in lemon helps to smooth your digestive system and helps reduce gas and bloating. The best way to calm your stomach gas is to drink lemon water after a meal. Just squeeze half a lemon into 6 ounces of water and drink up!
Cinnamon is naturally anti-inflammatory.

Cinnamon or canela can be used as a natural anti-inflammatory ingredient. It kicks up the metabolism and speeds up the digestive process. Sprinkle freshly ground cinnamon in your coffee, tea or oatmeal to make sure your body gets its fix.
Cucumber decreases bloating.

The crunchy and watery veggie contains quercetin, an antioxidant that decreases gas and bloating. Don't skip this item in your salad if you want to avoid the negative symptoms later on!
Bananas have a magical ingredient.

Since bananas are rich in potassium, they help fight gas and bloating that come after eating greasy and salty foods. Make sure that the banana is ripe so it kicks into action quicker due to the high level of starch.
Water usually helps.

Water helps flush the system. Filtered water can help clean out the intestines naturally. If you haven't been taking your daily intake of water a day, here's a good reason to start now.
Fennel seeds smooth and soothe stomach muscles.

A compound known as terpenoid anethole is what promotes gas relief in fennel seeds. It also helps smooth stomach muscles and is super beneficial to the digestive track. If you're pregnant, it's not recommended to eat fennel seeds in large quantities. Make sure you talk to your doctor beforehand.
Nuts help speed up digestion.

Nuts are a great snack to keep around since they're high in niacin, a compound that speeds up your digestive system. Cashews, macadamia nuts, peanuts and pine nuts are all great options to keep in your snack drawer.
Spinach has magnesium.

Most people don't get enough magnesium in their diet and just one cup of cooked spinach gives you 39 percent of your recommended daily intake. Magnesium helps with digestion by making protein easier to digest and breaking down food in general.
Celery's got something that bananas have.

Remember how we told you that bananas help with gas and bloating because they have potassium? Well, celery has a lot of potassium, too, plus it's got a high water content. Both the water and potassium help keep gas and bloating at bay while the insoluble fiber in celery helps keep you from getting constipated. Hello!
Ginger helps keep toots away!

Ginger is a go-to for when your are having belly problems. You can have it in the form of ginger ale or you could brew up some ginger tea. There are compounds in ginger called gingerols and shogaols that help reduce toots. Toot! Toot!
Avocados are just what the doctor prescribed.

You already know that avocados are full of good for you fats, right? Well, guess what? They also have potassium in them and that potassium helps with digestion and keeps you from getting all bloated and gassy after eating that burrito with extra guac, of course.
Abuelitas swear by chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea is said to have calming properties, which is why abuelitas love it. Turns out that chamomile tea is calming for your belly and not just your nerves. There was a study done about the effects of chamomile tea on irritable bowel syndrome that found it soothes both intestinal and stomach muscles. Nice!
*Descargo de responsabilidad: Los consejos sobre MamásLatinas.com no sustituyen la consulta con un profesional médico o el tratamiento para una condición específica. No debes usar esta información para diagnosticar o tratar un problema de salud sin consultar a un profesional calificado. Por favor contacta a tu médico si tienes preguntas o alguna preocupación.