8 Surprising reasons why you may be feeling constantly bloated

We've all been there, those days when you're SO bloated you feel as if your gut is about to bust. Trust me, I get it. In fact, there used to be a time where I'd experience bloating day in and day out. Sometimes it didn't even matter what I ate, no pill or antacid could save me. I felt gassy, uncomfortable, embarrassed and of course gross!

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It wasn't until I finally learned what was triggering the bloating that I was finally able to treat and prevent it. You see the thing is, a lot of people automatically assume that bloating is a result of an upset stomach, but that's not always the case. Bloating basically happens when your body struggles to break down gas. So a lot of things can cause it from foods to not drinking enough water and even stress. Want to banish the bloat once and for all? Here are eight reasons why you might be bloated:

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It's what you're eating


I had to give up junk food for good after I realized it was messing with my stomach and leaving me constantly bloated. In case you didn't know, salty foods tend to cause water retention which obviously leads to bloating. And the thing is many foods that are high in salt tend to also be high in fat and calories, like potato chips, fried foods and greasy meats like burgers. Try decreasing the amount of fatty foods you have and replacing them with healthier alternatives. But just keep in mind that good, fiber-rich foods like beans, kale, spinach, broccoli or asparagus can make you experience gas and bloating too. In those cases you might want to follow with a glass of lemon water or mint tea, because the last thing you want to do is give up fiber-rich foods.

It might be the dairy


Even if you're not lactose intolerant, dairy tends to cause gas and bloating. If you see this continuing to be a problem, consider switching your cow milk for a non-dairy option like almond milk. Cut down on your cheese, yogurt and ice cream intake too.

You're eating too fast


Eating too fast is probably one of the most common causes of bloating. What happens when you eat too fast is that it causes the air to be trapped in your system. So try slowing it down next time. Not only will it minimize bloating, but you'll feel fuller faster too.

You're eating too MUCH


When you eat too much, it leaves a ball of gas trapped inside your belly. Try cutting down those portions, keeping your meals healthy and eating slowly.

Stop chewing gum


I gave up gum chewing years ago when I noticed how puffy it was making me feel. Just like eating fast, chewing gum causes you to swallow more air and traps it in your stomach. Want to keep your breath fresh? Keep a tooth brush and paste in your purse or carry mints instead.

You're dehydrated


Not retaining enough fluids can cause your body to dehydrate and go into starvation mode, forcing it to retain water which obviously leads to gas and bloating. Avoid carbonated drinks like soda or beer and try to drink as much water as possible. Herbal teas are good too!

You're stressed


Believe it or not, stress can also be another cause for bloating. Think about it: Stress can have numerous effects on the body especially our abdominal area. Dr. Anne Nedrow, M.D., tells Health.com that when we're stressed our bodies react by driving blood away from the digestive process, leaving us either bloated, constipated or with the runs. Try de-stressing with exercise. I recommend yoga or pilates.

You have a stomach condition


There are a lot of digestive disorders or stomach conditions that can cause bloating, like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), gastritis, acid reflux and celiac disease. If you've tried everything possible to reduce bloating and nothing works, schedule an appointment with your doctor.