Diet plays a huge role in giving you a sexy and toned body. The best way to make sure you are eating the right thing is by shopping smartly. Strategically creating a grocery list that includes foods that truly nourish your body without causing any kind of damage to your cells, organs or tissues, will make sure that your kitchen remains free of junk. Here are five essential items that every healthy grocery list should contain:
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1. Whole grains: Consuming whole grains rather than refined grain products nourishes your body with a powerful blend of fiber, vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates and antioxidants. Research has repeatedly shown that people whose diet includes whole grain foods not only have a lower BMI, but they are also less likely to gain weight. These foods include quinoa, brown rice, couscous, whole grain bread and pastas, steel cut oats, among others, and they're not only low in fat, but they fill you up very well, and keeps you satisfied for long periods of time.
2. Fruits: Because people have been told how sugar is bad, they use that reason to justify shunning fruits. But fresh fruits actually make you lose weight. The antioxidants and fiber in them keeps you satiated. Apples, for example, contain high amount of fiber that slows down the absorption of fructose into the bloodstream, giving the liver a longer time to process them.
3. Vegetables: This might seem a no brainer to many, but you would be surprised how a lot of us eat meals primarily of Ramen noodles, pre-packaged foods and boxed dinners. For many, most vegetables come in canned form. It is very important to eat fresh, whole vegetables if you are looking to lose weight. Most of these veggies are low in calories, but contain powerful vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants needed to perform all our biological functions. When it comes to vegetables, fill your dish with as many colors as possible. This will make sure you have a variety of vitamins and disease-fighting antioxidants.
4. Meat: Meat is one of the highest sources of protein, and as many of us know, proteins are also excellent calorie burners. Note that because of their complex structures, it takes more energy to burn protein than fat or carbohydrates. If not careful though, meat can be very fattening, so opt for lean meat options like chicken and turkey. Take time to trim the extra fat and to de-skin fatty meats. Seafoods are also good choice for protein. Some healthy options include salmon, haddock, sea bass, halibut and catfish. Protein is very important for someone looking to lose weight because its slow digesting process makes us full faster, and keeps us satisfied for a really long time.
5. Herbs and spices: Both of these are a great way to add aroma and beautiful flavor to your meal without the use of cheese, butter or too much oil. Many spices, such as pepper and turmeric, also burn fat with their inherent thermogenic effects. Most herbs help detoxify our body and reduce the stress on our liver and kidneys. They contain potent antioxidants and other nutrients that strengthens our immune system and keeps our organs functioning properly.
Do not forget to share this article with your family and friends so that they can also include these 5 items to their grocery list. Together we can make this world a happier, healthier world!
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