Did you know that there are foods that can actually make you smell bad? Ack, say it ain't so. I'm already one of those people that is always paranoid that I stink. I don't know why, it's just a fear of mine. I never want to be the clueless stinky person on the bus making everyone cringe.
Here's the thing, I'm not going to cut out all the foods that could possibly make me stink because some of them are not only delicious, but very nutritional. This information is good to know though. I mean in case you don't want to stink during a hot date or when you're going on a job interview.
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Click through the slideshow to see eight foods that have the potential to make you reek and if you do have them, please don't try to snuggle with me afterwards.
Image via Thinkstock

Now, you probably don't know me very well, so I will tell you that I am not about to give up my morning cafecito because I like it and NEED it too much. But I don't have to drink it all day long. Coffee is acidic and dries your mouth, that lack of saliva is what gives you bad breath.
Red meat

Vegetarians smell better than people with diets high in red meat. You can either go vegetarian to smell better or cut down on the amount of red meat you eat.

Asparagus totally makes your pee stink. This one I'm not giving up ever because it's nutritious and also I don't plan on peeing on anyone anytime soon so I will be the only one bothered by the smell of my own pee pee.

Comino in Spanish or cumin en inglés can make you smell a little potent. Makes sense, as it's a very fragrant spice.

Garlic is wonderful! I love it and cannot live without it. Allicin and allin are two sulfur compounds in garlic that break down in your body and mix with sweat and bacteria to make you smell bad.
Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts

Broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts have sulfur in them, which makes your farts really stinky after you eat these very good for you foods.

Onions have oils that once digested come out through your breath and give you potent and yucky breath.

Some of the alcohol you chug gets released through your pores. I'm sure you know that unpleasant smell of someone who drinks a lot and drinks often. It's almost like they are literally pickled.