Fruit flies have the shortest life span of any animal, but they really have a knack to become the pain of our existence. Ten days is all it takes from a fly to sprout, grow into adulthood and die which means they reproduce like crazy! They are everywhere and like nature will have it, they are even more abundant during the summer when the best produce is available. There's nothing more annoying than trying to enjoy some watermelon with flies around. Enough is enough, take a stand with these simple home solutions and retake the fruit you bought!
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Get rid of the smell: The moment you see a fly lurking around should be the signal to clean your produce. Toss anything ripe and mushy from bottom of your fruit bowl because the smell is attracting them. Don't toss them directly into your garbage can because it will continue to smell. Put the fruit inside a plastic bag and take it out of the house immediately.
Apple cider vinegar: As you know this, vinegar is the king of homemade remedies and now you can add fly trapping to his long list of properties. Take a bottle of the golden liquid, take the cap off and cover it with plastic wrap. Make little holes so the aroma can leave the bottle. The curious flies will go directly to the bottle because they can't resist the smell. Once the flies are in they won't be able to get out.
Rotten fruit: Since that's their weakness, why not use it against them? Put a piece of rotten fruit at the bottom of a jar and add some dish soap. Make a cone out of paper and put the smaller side at the bottom. When the flies go to eat the fruit, the sticky soap won't let them fly away.
Clean the trash bin: You don't have fruit or vegetables lying around, but you still have flies. It's time to clean the sides and the bottom of the trash can. Changing the bag won't get rid of the slimy liquid that often leaks from the bag and accumulates on the plastic. That crusty stuff inside the can is leftover food and juice drippings. Clean the can to eliminate the problem zone.
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