6 Easy ways to keep your home mess-free!

When I was a child, my mother taught me all kinds of tricks for keeping a tidy home. She raised two children on her own, worked more than full-time and our home was never messy. Now, I don't want to give you the impression that my mother is a neat freak, she's not, she just knows how to keep a home from getting messy the easy way.

I've learned many of her ways, but lately when I look around my own home, I cannot believe I am my mother's daughter because, well, it looks like a tornado went off in my home. Time to hit restart and go back to the basics my mother taught me. Check out these great tips to stop being messy and keep your home looking tidy.

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Here are six basic tips to help you stop being messy. They are by no means revolutionary, but they truly work. Now, excuse me. I'm going to go put some clothes away while you check out the tips.

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1. Make your bed right when you get up.

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Make it as soon as you get up, that's what my mother taught me. Now, I would argue that I want to air it out so that dust mites don't breed in it. I know exactly what her response would be. Fine, air it out with the blankets neatly folded at the foot of the bed so it doesn't look like a mess.

2. Put things back as soon as you are done using them.

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Not only does it keep the place from getting cluttered, but in a house with kids this is crucial so that things don't get misplaced.

3. Get rid of stuff!

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Have a designated box or area where you put things that you no longer use, but are still in good shape. When the box gets full, donate the stuff to a thrift store or charity. Then start all over again because you will always have more stuff to get rid of.

4. Toss junk mail immediately.

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Once you lay hands on your mail, toss the junk. Do not pass go until that junk is in the recycling bin or shredder or incinerator.

5.Keep your vacuum accessible.

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Don't go puttin' your vacuum in the back of the closet behind your exercise bike because you will never use it. Keep it where it is handy and use it often. Go wild and vacuum where you don't even have carpet.

6. Do right by your clothes.

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Do not throw them on the ground when they are dirty, put them in the hamper. If the hamper is overflowing, that is your clothes screaming at you to clean them. Hang up your clothes or put them away. Don't toss them over furniture or heaven forbid on top of your vacuum.