As Latinos we rely on our rice cookers daily because, God forbid we go a day without our favorite grain. The thing we don't realize is that a rice cooker has many uses that we are oblivious to. Yes, ladies, you CAN make more than things than just rice in your rice cooker.
Prepare to be amazed and to use your rice cooker in more ways than you EVER imagined!
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As much as I love rice, I decided to do a little investigating and see what else I could make in my trusty kitchen tool. Much to my surprise, there are TONS of things to make, such as fish and bread! Amazing, right?
Often times we think we need extra pans to make some of our favorite foods, that we forget that this appliance exists. Much like the slow cooker, I depend a lot on my rice cooker.
Below are some great new meals you can try out with your own rice cooker at home!
Quinoa: Our EIC loves to make her quinoa in a rice cooker which makes it come out well cooked and fluffy.
Frittatas: You don't have to make your fritattas in pans if you don't want to. Instead try it in a rice cooker. This is a good recipe to follow.
Mac & cheese: The last thing you probably thought you could make in your rice cooker is mac & cheese. The comfort food can be made in minutes and be ready in time for dinner. Try out this yummy recipe here.
Oatmeal: Make a quick and healthy breakfast using your rice cooker in the mornings. The best part is, the rice cooker also keeps your meal warm. Here's a yummy recipe.
Pasta: Gone are the days when you have to bring your pot to a boil to make pasta. Now you can make it in a rice cooker, whether you like noodles or bow tie pasta. Check out these tips for the right way to cook pasta in your rice cooker.
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