There are those locas in this world that are willing to do anything and everything for exaggerated curves. Venezuelan model Aleira Avendaño has worn a corset for the last six years to attain her insanely tiny 20-inch waist. Can you imagine the sweat funk that must have been coming up from that corset?! Eek! Even more bizarre is the amount of plastic surgery the 25-year-old Latina was willing to get just to attain that "perfect" hour glass shape. Her photos and video interview will seriously leave you in disbelief.
Read more ¿Qué más?: Crazy woman wears a faja 24/7 to get tiny 16-inch waist & wants it to get even smaller! (VIDEO)
As if wearing a corset for so many years isn't enough to cause some serious damage to her internal organs, Avendaño has also gone under the knife an excessive amount of times. She has had her nose, mouth, butt and breasts done. She has reportedly gotten three augmentations in order to successfully rock her 34DD cup size.
If she worked on her mind nearly as much as she did on abusing her body maybe she wouldn't have gotten here in the first place, but she's keeping things interesting. I'll give her that. She has been waist training since she was in her teens and wears her faja 23 hours a day.
In a television interview with Barcroft TV, Avendaño spoke about what it was like wearing her faja for so many years. She explained:
At first, it was terrible, then I got used to it, and the belt became a necessity. When I did not have it, my skin would itch. At the beginning it was really hard but now it is a feeling not of pain but of pressure.
Pressure that her body has probably been trying desperately to resist! The sad part about the segment is watching these creepy men stare her down and take photos as if she was a prop or an animal at the zoo. She clearly is enjoying the attention, but at what cost? I don't think she got the memo that she has probably shortened her life expectancy due to her vanity.
She's only 25 and looks like a 40-something year old. At least she got on television for it, right? That's all that matters in life besides your waistline anyway.
Embedded content: https://youtu.be/qBNlGtxFIFE
Images via Aleira Avendaño/Facebook