This whole butt injections trend is seriously starting to get out of hand. One of Brazil's Miss BumBum contestants has suffered from a botched plastic surgery job that nearly killed her. Model Andressa Urach, who made it to second place in the competition, has been in the hospital for over a month after catching an infection that was so severe she nearly had her left leg amputated! But I have to warn you before you read on–the picture is pretty gruesome!
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You probably heard earlier in December about Urach being admitted to the hospital. Apparently the girl had injections in both her butt and thighs. Are any of the women from Miss BumBum actually natural? I'm starting to think they've all had plastic surgery.
Anyhow, the Brazilian model started recognizing her health was off some time towards the end of last year. The hydrogel fillers that were injected into her thighs and butt were starting to give her pain. According to reports, her body didn't properly absorb the injections. Instead, it started eating away at her body tissue. How scary is that?
She went back to see her doctor who attempted to drain out the gel injections, but by then it was already too late. Urach's left leg was already severely infected. So much so she had to be rushed to the hospital where she almost had her leg amputated. It got so bad, doctors were afraid she was going to suffer from organ failure.
Fortunately for her, she didn't have to go through with the amputation. The infection was treated and she was finally released from the hospital on Christmas Eve–thank goodness! I'm pretty sure Urach is going to be done with plastic surgery after everything she's gone through.
She's had a tone of procedures done before including breast implants, liposuction, a nose job, even vaginal lip reduction. But after a near death experience, I think the last thing on her mind is going to be her looks. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives us modeling all together and starts encouraging other young women to love themselves just as they are. Boy, I do hope that winds up being the case!
Image via Andressa Urach/Instagram