I'm a big fan of peppermint. I love the teas, I enjoy it in my desserts and I even cook with it from time to time. It tastes refreshing and it's also a cure-all when it comes to health. I've used it for everything from indigestion, stomach aches, heartburn, sore throat, even headaches. But did you know that this miracle herb is also packed with beauty benefits? That's right, the oil extracted from peppermint works wonders on skin and hair!
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I had no idea peppermint oil was packed with so many beauty benefits. That's right, it contains Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamins A and C. Basically everything you need for a bright, radiant complexion and a healthy head of hair. Here are seven peppermint oil beauty benefits you should probably know! WARNING: However you use this miracle ingredient, make sure to dilute it in water. It can cause a slight burning sensation on sensitive skin.
It treats acne: Due to its anti-inflammatory and cooling benefits, peppermint oil works as a great acne reducer. You can either use it as a cleanser or as a spot treatment.
It brightens your complexion: I know women who like to add a light layer of peppermint oil under their moisturizer every day. It helps lock in moisture and instantly brightens up a dull complexion. It's also cheaper than most serums out there.
It can work as a toner: Have oily or combination skin? Then you should absolutely be incorporating a toner into your beauty regimen. I like making my own out of peppermint oil and honey. It deeply nourishes and hydrates skin while absorbing excess oil.
For sensitive skin: Struggling with redness and breakouts? Try soothing on some peppermint oil to your face. It instantly soothes any kind of irritation.
Use it in a face mask: My abuela loves making face masks out of aloe vera and peppermint oil. It leaves skin smooth, soft and refreshed. There's a reason why a lot of shampoos these days include peppermint oil as one of their ingredients. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties helps it to soothe an itchy, flaky scalp. Add a few drops to your scalp and massage for two to three minutes before rinsing out.
Treats lice: I had no idea peppermint oil could be used to treat lice, did you? You would apply the same way you would to treat dry scalp.
Sore/tired feet: To relax sore, overworked feet, add a few drops of peppermint oil to a foot bath. You'll experience instant relief!
Image viaEstiloFiona.com