I can't tell you how many chicas I know who refuse to buy high boots all because of their so-called chunky calves. According to them, stylish boots for large calves are hard to come by which would explain why a bunch of women are now having Botox to fit into their boots. Yup, Botox. Apparently it promises to shave inches off your calves. But is this stuff even safe?
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It's called Calf Botox and it promises to slim down your calves, making it easier to slip them into any high-rise boot. The new treatment can shave off almost an inch off the circumference of each calf and costs around $470. It can last up to six months which is no wonder every woman and her mother is looking to try it. But how does this thing work you ask? According to reports, the toxin is injected into the calf muscle, paralyzing certain nerves that prevent it from contracting fully. Somehow this helps to slim the appearance of the leg. Sounds pretty intense right? Well it is and that's where the trouble comes.
Your calves might look slimmer, but the procedure can also lead to harmful side effects. A large dose of Botox is needed to have an effect and can result in your muscles wasting away. Doctors claim that it can change the way a patient walks and even cause side effects to the knees, hips and back. Could you imagine?
Oh and it gets worse. If the Botox affects the muscle's ability to pump blood from the legs towards the heart, things can get fatal. With side effects that severe, I don't understand why anyone would even consider getting Botox on their calves. This doesn't sound even remotely worth it. Plus, haven't these women ever heard of shoe repair spots? There are places that can literally stretch out your boots so that they fit bigger in the calf area. I'm pretty sure that won't cost you $470 either!
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