5 Ways to deal with unruly brows

I'm not a hairy woman by any means. I don't have a lot of arm hair. I don't have hair on my lower back like some chicks I know. I don't even have side burns. I was, however, born with long, thick brows that came with a little somethin' somethin' in the middle. Yes, I inherited my dad's famous unibrow and believe me, it came along with years of bullying and mean kids in junior high school telling me I was ugly. BUT it was also a beautiful blessing in disguise because now I have brows that most women these days could only dream of!

Read more ¿Qué más?: Easy tips to fix over-plucked eyebrows

It took me years to admit to my adult friends and even my ex, that once upon a time I had a unibrow. The thought of confessing that brought me back to my younger years, when everyone and their mother told me I looked Frida Kahlo (who I love now by the way). But now I love my eyebrows. I keep them long and thick, but ALWAYS make sure to clean up the middle–of course! How do I keep these brows in check, you ask? I use a few quick and easy tips I've learned over the years. Here's five ways to deal with unruly brows and not look like a caveman! Then check out how awesome my eyebrows look now below!

Open up your pores: This might seem unnecessary, but you'd be surprised how effective this tip is. Before I pluck my brows, I always place a warm wet towel over my face to help open up my pores. It actually makes it easier to pluck and less painful.

Pluck: I like to use a pair of tweezers with a stainless steel and slant tip. It helps grab those pelitos straight from the root so you're not stuck with ugly ingrown hairs. Try Anastasia Beverly Hills Tweezers ($28). They're pricy but SO worth it!

Thread: I only pluck the fuzz between my brows. I leave the rest to the threading experts. Threading helps me to maintain my naturally long and thick shape. And it also takes weeks for my hairs to grow back. I highly recommend this type of hair removal!

Check daily: Part of the reason why I tweeze the middle is because my hairs grow back like a chia pet and I can't afford to pay someone to thread my uni brow every single day. The rest of my brows don't seem to grow back so quickly and aggressively. Every morning after I wash my face and before I do my makeup, I check to see if there are any hairs in between my eyebrows that need to be removed. 

Keep tweezerson you: Even though I check my brows daily, I have some mornings where I'm too rushed to remember. So to avoid running into an ex-boyfriend or old friend while rocking a unibrow, I leave a small pair in my purse–just in case! I love Tweezerman Mini Slant Tweezers ($14).

Aren't my brows just awesome?

Images via Fridakahlo.com, Johanna Ferreira