Penélope Cruz is, without a doubt, one of the most gorgeous women on this planet. The woman is so naturally stunning, I'm convinced she's never had plastic surgery, Botox, fillers or any other plastic procedure ever. She's a classic beauty who takes care of herself the good old fashioned way–you know with anti-aging creams and healthy food. But she recently let us in on a little secret during an interview with InStyle magazine. You'll never guess how she keeps her skin so youthful and radiant!
Readmore ¿Qué más? J.Lo's 7 flawless skin secrets revealed!
Penelope swears by the Vitamix 5200. What's that you ask? It's a speed blender she uses to make home-made gazpacho. "In Spain we eat gazpacho almost every day, so you get a lot of vegetables in a way that is very delicious," she told InStyle. Who would have thought gazpacho had so many beauty benefits? But believe it or not, what you eat has a big impact on your skin. That's why it's important to incorporate plenty of fruits and veggies into your diet.
So if you want to up your hotness factorm, here are seven veggies you NEED to eat for gorgeous, flawless skin!
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Want a natural glow? Eat more carrots! A Britsh study from 2011 found that people who ate more foods containing carotenoid, like carrots had more yellow tones in their skin, leaving them with a healthier looking complexion. So stack up!

Believe it or not, mushrooms can do wonders for your skin. They are rich in selenium, a mineral that helps increase skin's elasticity and firmness. Mushrooms can also provide protection from sun damage as well as reverse the effects of sun damage.
Kidney beans

Don't ditch your rice and beans just yet! Beans are actually really good for your skin, especially red kidney beans. They're rich in zinc, which doctors claim helps fight acne and blemishes. Want a flawless complexion? Have more habichuelas!

Tomatoes are a natural SPF. They are stacked with antioxidant lycopene (which increase when cooked) to help improve your skin and protect it from damage UV rays. How cool is that?

Kale is probably one of the healthiest greens out there. It's loaded with vitamin C and A, which help keep skin firm and supple. And it's also a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin that protect skin from free radicals that can cause fine lines, wrinkles and manchas.
Red peppers

Kale is probably one of the healthiest greens out there. It's loaded with vitamin C and A, which help keep skin firm and supple. And it's also a great source of lutein and zeaxanthin that protect skin from free radicals that can cause fine lines, wrinkles and manchas.

Avocado is technically a fruit and it's filled with healty fats, vitamin A and C that help fight signs of aging and gives evens out your complexion.