I've been getting my hair blown out in Dominican salons for as long as I can remember, so I can honestly say I've seen and heard it all. But I've never experienced what one Dominican salon from NYC's Financial District, Century 27 Beauty Salon, recently endured. A Postal Service worker furious about a botched hairdo literally went storming in there in a rage, destroying the entire place. Who does that?
Readmore ¿Qué más? 7 Reasons why you should visit a Dominican hair salon
Rachel Meyers visited the salon during her lunch break last week to complain about them "screwing up her hair." But unlike a normal person, Meyers went completely bezerk. She went from arguing with several stylist to throwing items. She even wound up hitting one customer in the knee with a heavy metal box that was filled with curling rods.
"She was yelling, cursing at the hair stylists, saying they had knotted her hair," the customer who was injured told DNAinfo New York. "The women in the salon kept trying to appease her. They took her over to the sink, apparently to try a different conditioner on her hair, which had somehow ended up with knots–and then all of a sudden, it seemed like she just really snapped."
Salon owner Favi Ramirez still doesn't understand what set the 26-year-old off. "She came in with knotted hair and laughed about it initially," Ramirez said. "She was wearing a weave, but took it out, to have her hair conditioned, to have it washed and set." According to Ramirez, Meyers started losing her patience and began yelling about having to get back to work. Before you knew it, she was throwing everything in sight from shampoo bottles, chairs and even hair dryers.
Within a few minutes police were at the scene. Meyers was arrested and could wind up spending a year in jail for the crazy escándalo she caused.
Having a professional stylist mess up your hair is frustrating, I know. But there's a BIG difference between complaining to a salon and throwing a toddler tantrum. This woman literally snapped like a crazy person. Geez, and I thought I was picky about my hair!
Image via Laura Weis/Flickr