I was browsing through some old photos of Jessica Alba the other day and couldn't help but notice there was something different. Alba is one of the last celebrities I'd ever associate with plastic surgery, but her nose bridge does look a lot thinner than it looked back in 2008. Could she have undergone rhinoplasty? Who knows but these two side-by-side photos say a lot!
Read more ¿Qué más?: 6 Young celebs who have had plastic surgery
It doesn't take a genius to tell whether or not a celebrity has had a nose job done, but rarely do they ever admit it. Even so, photos speak louder than words and some of these before and after shots make it pretty clear that quite a few of our favorite stars most likely had a little tweek here and there. Here are eight celebrities who may or may not have had nose jobs!
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Kim Kardashian

She has yet to admit it, but if you look at a picture of Kim back in 2007 and one of her now, you'll notice a completely different nose. Plastic surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Rawnsley, who has never worked on Kim, believes she's definitely had rhinoplasty done. "The contour of her low/tip cartilages have been reduced and refined," he says. "Kim Kardashian's nasal tip has been rotated up in a way that reveals the underside of her delicate nostrils and shortens her nose to a length similar to that of her brow if it were turned 90-degrees on its side."
Eiza Gonzalez

Eiza's nose job was so drastic it completely changed her face. She doesn't deny that she's had it fixed either. In fact, she actually went on a rant one day in Twitter telling off all her haters. "I've always had the ovaries to accept everything that I do and not play two-face like most people," she tweeted. "Like when I accepted that I got a nose job, and?? Do you know how many people get those operations every day?" At least she's honest!
Mariah Carey

Is it me or has Mariah Carey's nose gotten smaller with the years? According to reports she's spent close to $150,000 on cosmetic surgery. "Part of the reason she looks so natural that she might have been having various moderate procedures over the years, instead of a few huge ones all at once that cause one's appearance to look unnatural and jolting," Detroit plastic surgeon Dr. Tony Youn told The National Enquirer.

Take a look at this old-school snap of Shakira and tell me her nose doesn't look different!
Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez swears she's never had any plastic surgery of any kind, but believes she may have had rhinoplasty. If she did have a nose job it was definitely a subtle one!

Beyonce's nose has changed since her Destiny's Child days. The bridge is thinner looking and a lot more defined.
Chiquinquirá Delgado

I don't care what anybody says, Chiquinquirá Delgado's nose job is pretty obvious to me!