When going out into the real world, many post-college graduates start looking for jobs in the careers they envision. One of the key rules to landing a job you want is to dress the part. One recent grad, 21-year-old Owen Cheshire, did more than that before landing his first job. The Mensa member decided to get a nose job … and you'll never believe why.
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Cheshire got his nose done before graduating in order to up his chances of getting a job. Talk about true dedication!
Cheshire who is super intelligent says the only thing that's affected his confidence his whole life was his nose. He says he inherited a large and bumpy nose which embarrassed him, was the reason he was bullied and kept him from taking pictures. He made sure to focus on working hard at school which ultimately landed him a membership with genius organization Mensa thanks to his IQ of 132.
But once he was set to graduate with a degree in marketing and communication, he was afraid of not being able to land a job because of how he looked. He visited Transform, a clinic in London where he got the procedure done and left satisfied with the results. "It's a complete myth that only shallow or stupid people care about the way they look. It's not shallow to want to make the best of yourself," he told the Daily Mail. "Everyone knows how tough it is for graduates to find work right now. I'm so pleased I made the decision to have surgery … because now my chances are just as good as the next man's," he says.
It's difficult being comfortable in your skin if you are picked on for the way you look your whole life. I can't blame Cheshire for getting a nose job since it was what he really wanted and now seems to be happier than ever. Personally, I don't think having a large nose would affect his ability to land a job, but I think it's good that the surgery has helped his self confidence. It just goes to show you that it's not only women who are self conscious about their looks. I wish him the best of luck finding work, but I'm sure he won't have a problem being a brainiac and all!
Image via Owen Jack Cheshire/ Facebook