I've heard of many unique strategies to make your boobs bigger, but this one takes the cake. Japan claims they have found an easy non-surgical way that will help women get the ample bust they always wanted. The catch is it is in the form of a cookie! F-Cup cookies claim to make your boobs go up to a DD cup size just by eating two cookies a day.
So what makes these cookies so special that your boobs get in on the fun too?
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Apparently the treat contains a plant extract known as Pueraria Mirifica which is supposed to be similar to estrogen and by default help enhance breast size. The 70 calorie cookies come in chocolate, soy, and praline flavors and the box directions suggest eating two a day with plenty of water.
But don't get too excited over their low calorie count. If you overdo it, you can end up with loose bowels. It is also not advised if you are pregnant, menstruating, breastfeeding or suffer from any reproductive issues.
Another issue I have with these cookies is that medical experts say it's all a scam and doesn't work. Nutritionist Ian Marber explains that there is no herb that emulates estrogen and that the plant has also been rumored to cause an increase in appetite. "Phytoestrogens are in numerous foods and to date there is no research to show that ingestion changes breast size," he said.
I knew these cookies sounded too go to be true. After all, it would take a lot more than two cookies with a little bit of a plant extract to get your boobs to grow. As nice as that fantasy may be, either way it can't be healthy to consume whatever foreign chemicals are in the cookies. Sounds like it's back to the drawing board! Maybe next time they can create boob enhancing ice cream…
Image via F-cupcookies.com