Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are officially hitched! The luxurious wedding took place this past Saturday in Florence, Italy and of course Kim looked stunning. There are already a few exclusive pictures out there of her gorgeous Givenchy gown and she looked just as beautiful as any of us would have imagined. Flawless makeup, flowy locks, couture gown–BUT I bet you weren't expecting her to do anything special with her feet. Rumor has it, Kim had lipo toe surgery right before the wedding, just so her feet could fit into the pointiest stilettos. Isn't that nuts?
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Kim's wedding dress was perfect: a Givenchy Haute Couture lace gown that featured a few cutouts and an exposed back. Kanye was suited up in a Givenchy ensemble himself and apparently baby North wore a Givenchy dress too. How cute! But let's talk about the shoes now. I still haven't seen any pictures of the high heels Kim slipped on that day, but if she really did have toe lipo, I'm expecting the shoes to have been the pointiest out there.
According to reports, Kim spent around $5,000 on toe lipo. The procedure is pretty self-explanatory. They basically remove some fat from your toes so they can fit better into slim and pointy stilettos. "Cosmetics surgeons and podiatrists can use tiny instruments to remove a small amount of fat–typically from the big toes," cosmetic surgeon Wendy Lewis told Look magazine.
These surgeries are nothing new though. Two years ago women were actually requesting that surgeons remove their pinky toes JUST so they can comfortably fit into high heels. So toe lipo doesn't seem all that crazy next to that. And knowing Kim and all the work she probably put in to make sure she looked perfect on her big day, I really wouldn't be surprised if she had her toes done before the wedding. She probably wanted to make sure she could last in her heels for the entire event.
I just wish I knew what shoes she had on. With a dress that stunning, it's hard to imagine a pair of heels perfect enough for the occassion!
Images via Bossip Official/Instagram, Getty Images