Lemons are one of the most versatile fruits in the world and their properties not only serve to improve our health, but also to improve our beauty routine and the look of our skin.
Read on to get three super simple ways we can all use lemon to get gorgeous–we should all add these to our daily beauty routines! They will leave your skin and face like new!
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Lemon mask for acne: This mask is a super exfoliating yet gentle way to help clear your skin!
2 tablespoons of plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of natural bee honey
10 drops of lemon
To prepare: Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face at night. Apply also to your neck and part of your cleavage. Leave it on for 15 minutes, until you start to feel that the yogurt is drying. Rinse with warm water. Make it 2 times a month.
Lemon-and-sugar scrub: No wonder sugar is one of the most used ingredients to make scrubs–it's super cheap. On the other hand, lemon is a natural astringent, which makes a mixture with it a wonderful combo to fight every kind of impurity that ails your skin.
To prepare: Add a spoonful of brown sugar in a bowl and add 8 drops of lemon, so it is only a little wet; make a paste. Apply on the face gently with the help of your fingertips until the sugar grains dissolve. Rinse with warm water. You can also apply it to the rest of your body, but remember to always use lemon at night so it doesn't leave manchas on your skin.
A great natural deodorant: You can use this technique with a glass of water or soap and add the juice of half a lemon to the water. Wash your feet or armpits with the mixture and leave it on for five minutes. You will eliminate odors immediately. Remember to be very careful if you are exposing your skin to the sun because you can get spots. Afterwards, rinse with cold water.
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