When did genital jewelry get so popular? I feel like ever since that crazy pop singer Ke$ha came out with her Kesha Rose by Charles Albert penis shaped jewelry collection it's been all over the place. I'm talking necklaces, rings, bracelets, and even earrings shaped like boobs, nipples, booties, and penises. I'm actually surprised no one has come out with vagina or labia shaped stuff. Ugh … could you imagine how gross that would look?
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I'll be honest with you ladies, this is definitely not my cup of tea. I have absolutely no interest in wearing mini gold penises on my ears and hanging a set of ta-tas around my neck. But if you're into genitalia-shaped jewelry, believe me there's a lot out there to choose from. And don't be fooled my friends, they might look cheap, but some of these will cost you a pretty penny, like Nora Kogan's blinged-out boob ring (pictured here). Yes those are real diamonds on the nipples. Digging jewelry that looks like naughty parts? Check out some of the interesting options below!
Image via Norakogan.com
Penis post earrings

Because women love penis SO much they even want to wear them on their ears.
Chocolate booty ring

Oh hey it even comes in chocolate brown! Wait … where's the tan option for us Latinas?
Nipple studs

These piercing nipple stud earrings are so sharp they look like they could poke someone's eye out.
Penis bracelet

Is this a penis bracelet or a bracelet for a penis? I'm not entirely convinced this is for decorative purposes only.
Boob ring

Would you check out the rocks on that 18K rose gold boob ring? No wonder it cost nearly $6,300 bucks!
Breast necklace

I'm sorry, but I find this necklace a little too graphic even for Breast Cancer Awareness. I'll take that pink ribbon please.