Healthy foods do not have to be dull. With the right spices, you can add rich flavor and luscious aroma to an otherwise plain meal. But more importantly, these spices will also help you lose weight. Scientists are now discovering how some spices actually have the capability to melt fat away. Great news for those of you looking for a slimmer waistline!
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Let's look at seven such spices that aid in weight loss:
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Cayenne pepper
The main compound that gives cayenne its spicy kick is called capsaicin, and it is shown to promote weight loss by promoting satiety and stimulating the process of thermogenesis. Because of its ability to provide heat, it raises our body's capacity to burn fat, which results in an increased metabolism and decreased amount of stored fat. Other than thermogenesis, capsaicin lowers our caloric intake, shrinks fatty tissues and lowers the fat build.
This yellowish orange spice forms the base of many curries. Curcumin is its main active ingredient which is what gives turmeric its weight loss boosting power. This compound hinders the growth of fat tissue by destroying the blood vessels needed for its formation. This can promote weight loss. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help fight inflammation induced obesity. That's not all. Turmeric contains one of the highest amount of beta-carotene, which shields the liver from oxidative damage, and heals it by promoting fat metabolism, which in turn lowers the amount of fat stored in liver cells.
Cinnamon promotes weight loss by stabilizing our blood sugar, boosting our metabolism, lowering the LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides. This spice contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that are responsible for their power to improve our insulin sensitivity. High amount of blood sugar can increase fat storage, and just a teaspoon of this spice can boost the metabolism of sugar by up to 20 times. It curbs hunger and promotes satiety, which further promotes weight loss. Plus, it can make any dish, even a plain bowl of oatmeal, taste absolutely delicious.
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are fantastic for the health of our GI tract. It also has a slight thermogenic property, which increases our metabolism and curbs our hunger, both of which are absolutely crucial for weight loss.
Cumin promotes weight loss in three ways. It facilitates digestion and increases the production of energy. It also stabilizes blood sugar, preventing sudden fluctuations which can cause us to over eat. It can even alleviate high stress–a factor that can greatly influence our eating habits negatively. All of these together promotes a greater weight loss.
Black pepper
The majority of black pepper's weight fighting ability lies in a compound known as piperine, which inhibits the process of adipogenesis–the creation of new fat cells. It increases our metabolism through the process of thermogenesis. Another fantastic thing about black pepper is that when consumed it makes almost all other nutrients more bioavailable for our body to use.
Linalool and geranyl acetate–the two oils found in coriander–help relax our digestive muscles and soothe a stressed out gut. This spice is very beneficial to those suffering from Irritable Bowl Syndrome. It increases our metabolism, and when chewed raw, it can significantly reduce our blood sugar levels.