A 42-year-old, transgender woman obsessed with plastic surgery has spent close to $98,000 or more on 100-black-market injections for her enormous, 60-inch butt. Mind you, she's had a ton of her friends who have had similar surgeries die. So what gives? Apparently she won't stop until she gets the butt of her dreams and you really have to see it to believe it!
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Tatiana Williams from Miami, Florida has spent thousands of dollars over the past 20 years on perfecting her huge ass, which holds about 8 pounds worth of silicone in each cheek. Despite the fact that most of her friends have died from these high risk, illegal operations, Williams claims she has absolutely no regrets.
"Going to the black market is a big risk. People can die from these injections," she told Mail Online. "I've seen people eaten up by the silicone. I've seen them turn black-and-blue and not being able to walk anymore. I've seen people have their whole breast taken off. I've seen everything. It's cheaper on the black market and people are willing to take the risks to achieve the beauty. I'm one of the lucky ones and I knock on wood everyday thanking God that he brought me through."
The problem with these black-market injections is that most of them consists of non-surgical silicone that can cause serious infections, leading to deformations, amputations and even death. But Williams thinks the risk is worth it because she's determined to have a body like Kim Kardashian. Seriously?
"I love Kim Kardashian's body–it's beautiful. She's exactly what a woman should be," she adds. "When it comes to me and celebrities, a lot of people compare me to Nicki Minaj. It makes me laugh because I'm thinking, 'I had ass before I even knew of Nicki or before she was even around.' Maybe Nicki's actually got an ass like me."
One thing for sure, Nicki's butt has nothing on Williams. Even plastic surgeon, Dr. Constantino Mendieta is shocked by it. "She must have had three or four thousand cc's of product, that's about 8 pounds, into each buttock," he said. "To me that's unbelievable. I have no clue how she has not had a problem."
Williams might be happy with her body now but she should really start thinking about what can start happening down the road. A big butt should never come before your health!
Images via Mail Online