Getting sick while you are expecting is one of the scariest things that can happen to any mom. You want to get better so you can eat normally and have the energy to get things ready for the big day, but you are afraid to take medication. With medicine, the best thing do is to keep the amount to the minimum when you're expecting. But it's also better to take something you need than to let the sickness evolve into something more serious that could affect the baby's health. But how do you know which meds are safe during pregnancy?
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Check out our handy gallery to learn about medications that are safe to take while you are expecting. Don't take them unless you are desperate and try to find natural or home remedies before you take any of them. And don't forget to always ask your doctor first! These are just guidelines, nothing replaces your doctor's professional advice.
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This one is on the top of the list because the allergy season gets longer every year. Some pregnant women are more sensitive to seasonal allergies than others, but we can all agree that these affect us all. If you are suffering for more than couple of days, take diphenhydramine. Benadryl is the safest choice, but make sure you choose the lowest dosage available. Natural remedies like the neti pot will clean out your sinuses giving you some relief.

Some expectant women experience migraines during the second trimester because of the excess of the estrogen. As you know, migraines are serious because they really make you ill. Many times they are accompanied by vomiting, sensitivity to light and smells. If your migraine is severe, you should ask your doctor for a prescription. There are many natural supplements for migraine available such as magnesium, riboflavin, and Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). Also herbal preparations like feverfew and butterbur. Limit caffeine, chocolate, MSG and artificial sweeteners from your diet because they are proven to increase headaches.

The flu is horrible and worse if you pregnant. Most pregnant women get the flu because the defenses are very low since the baby is taking most of the nutrients. It's advised to take the inactivated flu shot before the season starts, but if you didn't and you are suffering with the flu, you should take medication. Acetaminophen like Tylenol is safe to take during pregnancy and so is Tamiflu. It's important that you tackle the flu right away before you get really sick because it could harm the baby.

This condition is the pain of their existence for most pregnant women. Basically, the uterus is getting bigger and pushing the intestines and the body is releasing way too much progesterone. There are natural stool softeners you can take to help you move your bowels but you can also take laxatives like Colace, milk of magnesia and Dulcolax or fiber, like Metamucil and Citracel. The safest thing to do is to increase your fiber intake by eating more fruits and vegetables.

This one is very important because you don’t want the infection to reach the baby, but you don’t want to take antibiotics that could harm him either. Penicillin is the safest choice to kill viruses and bacteria that are causing the infection. Make sure to consult your doctor before you decide to the take this type of medication and try to find natural alternatives. Prevention is key!

Pregnant women suffer from indigestion most all the time, but when heartburn and gases get thrown into the mix, it's a game changer! Basically, your metabolism slows down because the of your growing uterus is pushing the stomach. The latter one produces more acid and you feel it. Over-the-counter acid reducers like Tums, Maalox, Mylanta and Pepcid are safe to take but not regularly. Don’t wait too long to eat so the stomach doesn't fill up gas.
Yeast Infection

As you know these are not dangerous, but they are quite uncomfortable. The problem is that they don't get better on their own, so you have to take some medication for it. The best thing for pregnant women is vaginal ointments like Monistat and Gynelotrimin. Don’t choose the ones for three days or less because they are stronger. As you know the creams are absorbed by the body and travel through your bloodstream. The lower the dosage, the better!